Cheaper slug/buck shells?


New member
Is there a company that sell less expensive 12 guage shells (slug and 00 buck) for HD practice. It's hard to practice alot when it costs $2.50 for 5 rounds. It's be great if I could buy them in packages larger than 5 rounds.
Birdshot will do for most practice as a substitute for buckshot. Once a gun establishes what it will do pattern wise with a given buckshot load the main question has been answered, and practice with buckshot versus birdshot usually isn't necessary IMHO. Look at the ammo requirements for shotgun training classes by better known instructors for an example. (Louis Awerbuck
Tactical Shotgun - Stage I Ammunition requirement is 400 Birdshot, 50 Buckshot and 70 Slugs.)

Slugs... well, not much of a substitute out there for them. Just have to pay the bill to practice with the real thing. I find that Brenneke KOs work well in many of my working guns, and they can be had on sale at very reasonable prices from a number of outlets from time to time. Plus I practice with what I use for real, IMO a significant advantage where POI (point of impact) can change with various brands/loads/lot numbers as it can with slugs.

When I find shotgun fodder that works well, I usually buy it by the case. Sometimes that rates a discount too...


Wal Mart is selling Remington 00 Buckshot in 15 round packs for $6.47. ABout the best you can find unless you buy large amounts.
I have seen Wolf slugs at local gunshows for less. Try some internet suppliers out there, like Ammoman.....
By the way, I bought my last Wolf slugs for $.89/5 at a local sporting goods store, and they are accurate...touching groups at 50 yards!!!
Birdshot will do for most practice as a substitute for buckshot.

Lee, I understand what you are saying, and it makes sense, but I am not convinced that you can fully train with birdshot, when you intend to use buckshot for the real deal. At gunsite, for example, you use buckshot on all your shotgun courses, and although it gets very expensive to shoot, I belive that you must train with what you use as best you can.

This is one area of shotgunning where handloading pays off. It is so much cheaper to load 00 buck than buy it.
Why is it buck shot and slugs ONLY comes in packs of 5 these days? (besides the walmart packs that is) Ive heard of 25 rounds boxes, but they were stories from along time ago.