Cheap project .


New member
Not a practical project but would make a conversation pice that "may" be fun to shoot . I have thought about a cut down Mosin Nagant to pistol length cut the stock to a pistol grip and shorten ths barrel and move the front site back . I will look up the laws regarding this , I have talked to others and some think if the barrle is under the max length for a handgun and stock shortend to make the overall length handgun length befor reasembley it would be a leagle handgun . Any imput would be apreceated .
If it starts out in life as a pistol, you can change it to a rifle if you have the inclination to do so. If it starts out as a rifle, turning it into a pistol legally involves an application and a tax stamp. Changing it into a pistol without going through the application/tax step involves risking 10 years of your life and $20,000 of your money. Doesn't have to make sense, that's just the way the law is. If you don't like it, petition to have the law changed.
Firing a M-N rifle cut down to pistol length should be interesting, as in lotsa blast and recoil. IMHO, legalities aside, it would not be a very good idea.

The Obrez, famed in song and story as the concealable weapon of Russians too broke to get a Broomhandle Mauser.

A NFA Short Barrelled Rifle for modern Americans. Psalm7's mumbo-jumbo notwithstanding. Pay a $200 tax to purchase or build, with prior BATF approval.