Charton Heston Bombs on "This Week"!


New member
Well, Charlton Heston was on ABC's "This Week" today and made a complete bafoon of himself. He couldn't make even the simplest pro-gun arguments make sense. He was so bad I wanted to throw up. The NRA finally comes out in public and Charlton Heston can't even speak coherently. Charlton Heston makes great speeches, but he should never be put in a position were he has to answer questions. I love Charlton Heston, but too much is at stake to have a senile old man defending our rights. I think that everyone should write the NRA and ask them to keep Heston away from talk shows or news programs. My how I wish Larry Pratt or Wayne LaPierre was on the show instead of Heston.


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[This message has been edited by nralife (edited May 02, 1999).]
I lost faith in "Chuck" Heston when he publicly backed Rob Reiner's "For-the- children" cigarette tax increase in California the last elections. NRA said what Heston does on his own time is his own business, even though it ruins his credibility when someone like Senator Moynahan suggests a 10,000 percent tax on ammunition.

By the way, I don't smoke.

Bruce Stanton
Chuck has never had my respect in his positions with the NRA, First he was elected in violation of the by-laws, then he made the various statements about "assault rifles" and then the part he had in deciding that the NRA convention should be cut way back. Don't forget, he was one of the big name actors that was pushing for the GCA of '68.

The NRA convention should have never been scheduled for Denver in the first place. Then after the Littleton shootings they should have said;

"No matter what we do regarding the convention, it will be wrong in your eyes. If we hold it, you will say we don't care about those children. If we don't hold it, you will say that we have admitted our guilt for those shootings. If we cut it back, you will say both things. So, we are going to hold the convention as we had scheduled for over a year.

It has been the NRA that has promoted gun safety training, the NRA that has promoted the award winning Eddie the Eagle training program for young children. It has been the NRA that has had a large part in training police officers and civilaians to shoot safely. It has been the NRA that has been pushing for more federal prosecutions of felonies committed with a firearm, not the press, not the ACLU, not HCI, not the President or the Attorney General.

We, the NRA, decry the events in Littleton, but it was not the NRA that convinced those two young men to attack their classmates with firearms, and it was not the NRA that convinced them to attack with bombs. It was not the NRA that convinced them that they should adore Hitler, it was not the NRA that convinced them to become alienated from the rest of the students and it was not the NRA that committed the attack.

Our convention will continue as planned. Your attacks on us will strenghten our resolve to continue our fight to protect the Second Amendment. No more compromise from the NRA. We will be resolute and defend all our rights."

Of course the namby pambys in the NRa would never have the balls to say something like this. I'll keep my Life memebership but my respect for them has dropped greatly for their decisions in Denver.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 02, 1999).]
Hi nralife,
Boy, you took the words right out of my mouth. He screwed up on hi cap mags, the number of federal guns laws, waiting periods and a bunch of other stuff. When I can do a better job than the president of the NRA, we are in deep you know what. The NRA needs to have a regular TV person to go on the shows since Heston just about gave away the farm. I hope the NRA isn't falling apart, but I joined GOA just in case. Those guys kick butt. We need all the NRA members to also join GOA.
I've always admired "Chuck" as an actor. He does give one dandy of a speech. But, the man just can't think on his feet. Without a script he turns into a bumbling moron. Better to keep him away from talk shows.

I too will be joining Gun Owners of America. I will keep my life membership in the NRA and will still encourage others to join as well, but we need a back up plan. I believe a 3 million member GOA would be great!


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Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>
Well, it's not as though Heston was selected for his debating skills; He was picked to be a front man for the ruling junta, because he delivers the lines they write for him, in a nice resonant voice. They picked him to PLAY the head of the NRA, not BE the head of the NRA!