Charter Arms .38 UnderCover Review


New member
Since I was unable to find much info on this gun, I thought I would help the next guy

Fit and Finish

The overall fit and finish are not bad, below the Smith or a Ruger, but then they cost less and one does not have to face the rage of the boycotters when looking at a Smith;)

The gap between cylinder and barrel is very tight though

The Cylinder release is a little gritty, and does not release as easily as I would like. I am working on it. The top of the extractor also tends to be a little sharp for my taste.


Started with 125 Grain Match loads @ 650 fps. The first one I shot, I thought I had fired a squib it was so light. (I had fired 50 rounds from my .40 just prior). In any event I was very pleased w/ this ammo, specifically becuase the wife will be able to shoot this with little or no problem.

This is a 16 oz gun, so kick w/ .38 +p is a little unpleasant, although not bad. The most unpleasant thing was the concussion from the short barrel. The gun is also not recomended for +p, so I was just seeing if it had any problems w/ it, and will only use it for self-defense in the home.

The trigger was the biggest surprise however. Smooth as glass and very nice.

This is my first snubby, and it seemed fairly accurate, although the sights are slightly funky. I need to get a better idea of where the gun shoots exactly in order to make a better determination of how accurate. I only shot at 7 yards, and I could hit my target so take what you will from that.

Overall, a bargain, and a nice gun, especially considering the price
Charter arms Undercover 38

I have had one of these since about 1983. While I don't shoot a great deal with it I do use it once a years or so as it is my house gun. I did carry it for over a year as well won't say where. The gun has never failed me. When I need it it works. Not the most beautful of revolvers but handy and very functional, sights are better than the chiefs special for me and the price even at the time was less than half of the S&W. The recoil is a bit rough with my chosen load ( the 158 grain lead HP +P) but fine with regular wadcutters and lead rn. I have no plans to get rid of it it serves it intended purpose quite well. JMHO Oh yea its been hard chromed by the previous owner.