Charles Daley 20ga


New member
I bought this several years ago. I got it as a return to wally world, paid $175 IIRC.

This is the only auto-loading shotgun that I ever encountered.

Must they be kept immaculately clean?

I routinely shoot my other autos for several hundred rounds before some 'annoyance malfunctions' occur. A squirt of oil in the action and I'd be back in business.

Not so today! I was shooting skeet with this gun, and most of the time it would:

1. Fail to eject, rechamber the empty shell. (Ok... single shot :rolleyes: )

2. Stovepipe

3. Fail to eject/ drop another shell on the elevator. (Gun needs disassembly to clear the jam)

4. Fail to eject, can't work the action w/o dissassembly.

I took it home, and did a thorough cleaning. It wasn't that bad.

The o-ring is perfect, oiling things just changed the nature of the malfunctions, and the frequency.

What do you all think? Just me and a filthy gun, or is there some trick that I am missing?
I have the same shotgun, also the same malfunctions. The cure for me was to change ammo, now I can shoot all day without any malfunctions.
TNFIREMAN: What ammo did you swith to? I have a cd in 12 auto some stoppages sometimes, light firing pin strikes, failure to eject, etc. FM12 (Alabama Fire Marshal)
My brother and I bought these same autos when they came out. We got consecutive serial numbers. his lasted 3 months and went back to the factory for the same problems. He received a new gun and had the same trouble. Had it fixed then it started locking up and he eventually broke the bolt carrier and sold it for parts. Mine lasted 8 years and began to not cock for the next round. I called Daly and got a "one time offer" to let them rebuild it. They rebuilt it and sent it back. It has worked ever since, I believe they were having quality issues in the beginning.. Steve