Charles Daily, Kimber, Springfield...which one?


New member
Of these three and only these three how do they compare with each other. What are the advantages if any for one over the other. I am looking for a full size stainless steel 1911 and I have seen the Kimber's and the Springfeild(loaded) but I haven't seen and don't know anything about a CD.
springfield 1st

I have a loaded and its super accurate, excellent
trigger, no feeding problems.
I also looked at Kimber but there customer service
and warranty concerned me.
The Daly may be a good gun but compared to the other
two its not up to the same standards however cost
The Springfield has a lifetime warranty and from
what I have seen they are improving there products
all time.
Charles Daly .45s are NIB junkers.

If you want a Kimber, buy a CDP, the standard grade pistols are okay, but nothing great.
I'd rate them like this;

1. Kimber CDP
2. Springfield
3. Kimber Standard grade
15 Charles Daly

See what I'm driving at?
Avoid the Charles Daly. I have seen a few of these at the range and they are invariably jamming, on FMJ.
IMHO of the other two, the Kimber edges out the Springfield for quality and is much better in the areas of trigger pull and accuracy. Still, the Springfield Loaded is a pretty good buy, so you really can't go wrong with either one.
Not to say Charles Daly's don't have problems, but the one I own hasn't missed a beat in 900 rounds now. I have 800 rounds of ball and 100 rounds of HydraShoks thru it without one single problem. Early models did have feeding problems but the newer ones with the "CD" serial# prefix seem to have addressed the problems. The shop I bought mine at has been selling them for a year and hasn't had to sne done back or received one back for trade on something else. The other thing I can say about my Daly FS model is that the accuracy is excellent. The only changes I have made are Hogue rubber grips and a Wilson Combat 18.5 lb spring. Every maker puts lemons out. At the 1911 forum even Kimber owners have had lemons.
Just say NO to C.D.!!!

Got to play with one about 2 years ago, OMG what a POS that THING was. Cleaned and oiled it felt like it was stuffed with sand.

Kimbers are very good, mine ran great and was very accurate from the word "go." Kimbers are generally tighter and better finished than SA pistols are (SA tend to have lots of sharp edges, etc.) but **functionally** everything I have heard about the SA product was positive. From a practical point of view you don't give up alot to the Kimber for the money difference.

I would say DON'T get a top-end Kimber, go for a basic Custom and get 99% of the high-zoot performance for alot less money. If you want to drop over $1000 on a 1911, you are starting to creep into Wilson Combat and Les Baer territory and might as well get one of those.


I've been tracking CDs for a couple months, talking, looking, listening, reading. It seems that, as with about all firearms (1911's too) there are good and better; bad and badder. They all put out perfection and boat anchors.

That said, the CD had problems earlier - real problems. A couple years ago - the story goes - CD sent some real engineers, etc. to PI to fix the problems at the plant. Since then the evidence (owner input) is that quality control and design/engineering has upped. And they have added items like better steel, combat hammer, lowered port, polished ramp, ambi-safety, and other improvements - many of which come in higher priced firearms. Since they are targeting the well-under $500 market, there are, no doubt refinements and even workmanship that may not be in every piece delivered.

I haven't bought yet since I am hovering at the $4-500 level and have seen a couple others that were intriguing and I'm tempted when I see good Makarovs (get two for the same price, right?). Anyway, I wouldn't shut down on a good Daly until I look, feel, and if possible, shoot one.

If you haven't yet searched TFL for Charles Daly (or Daly), that might be a good idea... there have been posts in the past. Also I'd suggest (in Stainless Steel) or other Daly pages to see what they offer and get some historic material. And, when the 1911 forum comes back on line next week, you might review the Charles Daly forum; there you will get some pros and cons.

As an aside, I just came from a range/store where they had just gotten in a SS FS. It is a really pretty machine, but I was put back a bit due to some light burrs at the front of the ejection port and three small imperfections in the slide finish. The mag had a plastic-like floorplate but did have a steel follower... unlike the Para-Ord 12.45 LDA which had a plastic-type follower (at over $600 and $54 per mag).

The best I can pass along to you is that - like all things in life - "you plunks your money down and takes your chances". That works for CDs, for Springfields, and for Kimbers. A TFL search on those might interest you. Kind of "your call".

My $0.02 for whatever the value (FWTV)


Other than the fact that the magazines for the Newer CD are junk, the gun itself is fine. For the price you cannot beat it. I think that Kimbers are a little over priced. I'd go with a Springfield if you didn't want a CD.
CD=BOAT ANCHOR!!! I've heard good, but w/ 4500+ problem filled rnds outta my commander size Chuck, I feel qualified to say it was a POS so I sold it!
My CD had a problem with the extractor not being fitted right, but as soon as I fixed that, it shot very good. Extremely accurate and never a hiccup on any ammo. I also have a loaded stainless springfield that seems to be just a tad less accurate, but has not given me any problems thus far. When I say less accurate though, i'm talking the CD wopuld make 1 ragged hole, the springfield about 3 holes at 15 yards. If the $$ is tight, get the CD, its a good gun.

M1911A1, which one?

I've used the M1911A-1 pistol for many years (30+). And out of your choices, I would recommend a Springfield, (cost), as a great starter pistol. It's got some nice work done on it right from the factory. And adding some extra and/or improved "stuff" will only make it shoot better. I've got three M1911A-1 pistols. Two for the job, Springfield SS & Colt Series 80 SS. And a older M1911A1 Essex frame (I built it) with an original 1973 L.W. Seecamp double action conversion. Everything is .45 ACP.
Yep, I'd go with the Springfield.
Springfield is my choice. Kimbers are a good choice too. CD's are not in the same league. And yes I've owned one.
Springfield's lifetime warranty was a big plus to me.
If you just want a shooter, look at Springfields V-16, its a .45 Super longslide. So you get 3 guns in 1, .450 SMC, .45 Super, and .45 ACP all with chaning the spring.
I have a Kimber SS Target and a Springfield that I've put $600 of custom work into. When I reach for the most accurate, troble-free 1911 in my safe, my hand comes out with the Kimber in it.

Despite the bulky frontstrap I like them better than Kimber. Besides I like Springfield's warranty MUCH better than Kimber's.
just curious, why wasn't colt considered? i think the colt is in the same league as the kimber and springfield. the cd is definitely in a lower league. a friend of mine owns a cd and he's had several jamming problems. the main problem was with the mags though. he replaced those with wilson combat and it has made a dramatic improvement. i'm all for the kimber, springfield, (or colt..i own a colt, specifically because a co-worker who doesn't shoot anymore, and only put 500 rounds through this gun gave me a great deal on it.) otherwise i would have been torn between the kimber and colt with springfield in 3rd place...and cd not even an option.