Charles Daily "AutoPointer" semi shotgun


New member
I was perusing an out of state gun shop this month and noted a Charles Daily semi shotgun that loosely resembled an Auto 5. I'd never heard or seen of the gun prior, the AutoPointer.

Online research lends me to think the gun is from the early 60's. They are not part for part A5 copies but are indeed recoil operated. Parts are non existant apparently. The mfg was the Yamoto Firearms Corp, made in Japan. Not Miroku. Likely a ribbed barrel (?) and I could not determine choke. Seemed well made and the price was fair, though I cannot justify a purchase.

Anybody shed any additional light or experience on the AutoPointer?
I make a point to never buy a gun for which parts are unobtainable. Could it be really cool? Really good? Really valuable? Sure. But it could also be a piece of junk that people wouldn't buy even when parts WERE available. The free market system works pretty good for weeding out the poor products. Charles Daly products were weeded out several times.
The old Charles Daly guns were consistently good and often excellent. Prior to the 1990's mostly.
Charles Daly was an importer/distributor. The old Charles Daly had high standards and sold some truly great guns.

Not the case today, and for the last couple iterations of the company, the name was sold off and the company went downmarket.
Not even a shadow of what they once were.

That is my recollection as well. And the appearance of the "AutoPointer" that I saw seemed to indicate it was a quality item. I can recall some SXS shotguns back in the 1960-70's that were well thought of that were referred to as Charles Daily's too.

The Autopointer on the surface appeared the equal of any Miroku (?) made gun. That outfit is making Winchester and Browning labeled guns now for some time and they are well thought of. Miroku may have acquired Yamoto over time. One of my research sources stated a lot of Japanese gun company records on paper storage were lost in a hurricane years ago.

The gun in question is 800 miles away, or at least was, but had remained on the rack since early summer, when I first saw it. I won.t be buying, even if I could go get it tomorrow. I would like to have an A5, or a Rem 11, appearance wouldn't matter, but it would have to function and not be butchered. They are relatively common in my area, sort of a status symbol, as are the BAR rifles I might add. The A5's day has come and gone, the inertia, synthetic guns are just as reliable and lighter.

The Autopointer seemed like an affordable way to mirror an A5 for the sake of collecting one. Not quite the same, with no traceable history, I'm glad I passed.

That's a wise decision bama.The gun is pretty much an orphans orphan.
I keep a weather eye out for the older Charles Daly guns, there are some very sweet examples out there.
Darn little polymer in my safe, working carry guns excepted it's steel and walnut for me.