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Changing title in sale ad?


New member
I ran a for sale ad for some rifles and shotguns. After one rifle was sold, I was able to modify the title to reflect that 1 rifle was sold. I have sold another rifle and am trying to modify the title on the ad to show that a second rifle was sold - I have not been able to do that. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks - TomF
It might have "aged out."

I can't remember how long, but after a certain length of time you can no longer edit messages.

Send me a link and I'll edit it for you.
Mike - I'm able to edit the text of the ad - in fact, I added some pictures to the ad this morning. My problem is that when I try to edit the title of the ad to reflect that another gun was sold and that pictures were added, the ad title remains the same on the listing page. Once you open the ad, the changes that I made to the title do show.

In other words - the title on the listing page is different from the title on the ad itself. Heres the link to the ad.


Thanks - TomF
OH, OK, I know what's going on.

You have to do TWO things to edit the title.

First, you click the edit button. That opens the window that allows you to edit the body of your thread.

To edit the title, you then have to click the "Go Advanced" button.

That will open an editing window that looks a lot more like the window you used to post the original message.
All true, Mike, however, the title is not editable after a shorter period of time than the text of a post. I think the values are 12 hours for titles and 4 days for post text.

My suggestion is to not depend on the title to convey any variable information that should be in the thread. In other words, don't put a price in the title, don't say whether it is sold or not, etc. If things change, make a new post. Yes, it is a little less convenient for those interested in the items, but it eliminates editing problems, and the inevitable confusion, even when the thread goes beyond the 4 day limit.

If a short description in the title piques someone's interest, they will open the thread. Even if the title said "sold", they will open the thread - it's human nature.
Actually, I should modify my comment a little. You can, indeed, edit the post title for the full 4 days, but after 12 hours it is only a post title, not a thread title. IOW, it will not propagate to the forum thread listing after 12 hours. I think that is what the OP is concerned about. He has edited his post, but the thread listing still has the older wording.
Mal H - I couldn't have said it better. That is exactly what I was trying to do.

After the first gun was sold, I was able to change the title on the LISTING itself. Thats when I added "ONE RIFLE SOLD". After I sold the second gun, I tried, unsuccessfully, to add "TWO RIFLES SOLD" to the listing. This morning, when I added pictures to the ad, I again tried to modify the title in the listing to indicate that the pictures had been added to the ad. I guess it is not possible to change the wording in the listing title after a certain period of time.

Thanks for the replies guys -

To eliminate confusion, I edited the thread title to remove the extra info as per my suggestion in post 6. All of the info is available inside the thread itself.
So it is best to not list multiple guns by each description in thread title unless you have a staff member edit it for you. I also wonder why this is the only board that does not allow editing after a few days? It would be much easier to go back in & mark SPF or SOLD instead of haveing to make a new post stateing so.
No, that's not what was said. If you are selling two rifles, for example, putting two descriptions in the title is perfectly proper. I said don't put variable info in the titles. As an example, if you don't plan to ever change the price of an item, then putting the sale price in the title is fine, but if you do, please don't ask a moderator to edit the title to reflect the price change.

This isn't the only board that doesn't allow editing after a few days (4 days in our case). That is true on many boards. If it was possible we would like to give the buy/sell forums a little more edit time, but it isn't possible to change that parameter on a forum by forum basis. Four days was chosen for the main forums so that posts couldn't be changed weeks later and completely alter the flow of the ongoing conversation. So it won't be lengthened to accommodate the b/s/t forums.

In fact, we are one of the few boards that allows the OP to lock their own threads. After an item is sold, we encourage the OP to lock their thread to indicate that it is no longer available. You can lock a thread at any time - even years later.