Great looking gun.
I am not of fan of lasers on guns. With that being said, I have a 1911 Kimber Pro Carry with Laser Grips, .45ACP. Lasers are nice on defensive handguns. It is my belief that if you are confronting a BG and he sees the laser on his chest, he may decide to end the conflict right there. In this case everyone is a winner: he doesn't get shot and you didn't have to shoot anyone. What I would caution you about is becoming what I call a "laser cripple" at the range. Perfect example: A close friend of mine who owns more guns than me acquired a gun with a laser. He loved it. He used that laser all the time. One day at the range, the battery failed so he went back to using the conventional night sights on the gun. He had a difficult time keeping a tight group because of his dependency on the laser.
So yup, great thing to play with and it has it's purpose, but beware that you don't "over use" them. Congratulations on a beautiful gun.