Change of direction

Futo Inu

New member
I have decided to stop spending so much of my time and effort fighting anti-gun measures and tactics for a more useful endeavor. No, I am not joining the anti-gun cause. What I am going to do is begin a lifelong crusade against backyard swimming pools.

My slogan will be "Not Even One". My desire will be to save all children from drowning in backyard swimming pools. This is a far more important issue than "gun control" as statistics show many more children die from drowning than from gunshot wounds. Furthermore, there is little to no utility (good) that can come from backyard swimming pools to offset the horrible tragedies that happen year after year as toddlers fall into these deathtraps. There are a plethora of alternative exercise options. The backyard swimming pool is unnecessarily and unreasonably dangerous to our children. Unlike firearms, which are used defensively to stop aggression some 2.5 million times per year in the US, swimming pools have no saving graces to speak of. They don't stop attacks. They don't get us quickly from point A to point B like cars (the biggest killer). There is really no reason any normal citizen needs to own a swimming pool. If you really want to swim, you can go to the public pools which have lifeguards on duty at all times, and the pools are plenty deep to prevent spinal column injuries from diving into a shallow pool. This, folks, is a worthy cause if I ever saw one, and I personally am FIRED UP about it. I think this will become a nationwide movement as soon as we begin the effort to paint backyard swimming pools as the evil instruments of destruction that they really are.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 29, 1999).]
And five-gallon buckets! Don't forget them! Such buckets murderously drown many children each year - and as you say - even one is too many.

Register tape and floaters, painters, and other irresponsible bucket owners:
- Require them to attend classes to become licensed.
- Reguire at least twenty hours continuing education each year.
- Require "safe storage" methods for "assault buckets" greater than one quart.
- Who really "needs" a five-gallon bucket anyway! Twenty one-quart cans are more easily stored, carried, and help avoid waste!

If it (choke) saves just one (gag)...
You can go after swimming pools, because I don't have one, so what the hell do I care? Besides, the government already allows us to use their public pools, so why should anyone else need to have one?

As long as you stay away from my buckets. I have some, and if you try to take them away, I might have to "get involved".

Sound Familiar?

You better prepare for a 0400 hour visit from the BATFB (Buckets, that is).

(heh, heh, I'm carrying a concealed spray can!)
I gotta get a life.....
We need to have lid locks on all 5 gallon buckets.

Teach your children to leave the area and tell an adult if they find a 5 gallon bucket.

Ask your neighbors if they have 5 gallon buckets and how do they store them before you let your children play with their kids!
no un ported 5 gallon buckets!

mandatory 1 inch drill hole


this won't hold water

I think that if buckets weren't painted black in order to look so menacing to the sheeple, we might be able to keep them. You know, something traditional looking with a wooden handle.

You'll only get my bucket when you pry my cold, dead, soggy fingers from it.

I wish you well with your crusade, but I fear that the cause may be washed up (groan!). You won't get enough donations to stay afloat (double groan!). :)

As for me, I'm targeting trampolines. Those damned things are DANGEROUS!


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
Ya know, I find threads like this funny. They're funny because they're so stupid. They're funny until you realize that when the anti's say the same exact thing, they are serious. Then it becomes sad.

I could never base an arguement on statements that were so ignorant and ill-conceived. Unfortunately, they seem to have no problem with it. Not only is that sad, it's scary.
I like your idea, but you obviously aren't very suave about how to accomplish your goal of banning pools. First, you have to demonize pool owners. Take your pick of what to call them or accuse them of. Second, encourage registration of pools to assure that no one is buying or importing pools with pumps larger than 2 horsepower. Heck, who needs a pool with a five horsepower pump anyway. Register pools with the new instant check system. Now you know where the pools are. Insist that laws be passed banning assault pools. The definition of assault pools is irrelevant - just let Janet Reno have the power to define the current definition of an assault pool. Next outlaw pools deeper than lets say 6 feet deep. Limit each pool to only one diving board. About that time have a national news media blitz finding an assault pool with a drowned child in it. Have new demand for unlimited liability for pool owners. Pools must be safely locked under 1/4" of steel when not in use. Then demand a 4 foot deep limit with a surface area of no more than maybe 2'X4'. And at that point you have outlawed pools without outlawing pools, everyone can soak in their bathtub pools, and everyone is safe. Our founding fathers never intended everyone the right to pools anyway - just certain people as defined by the powers that be.
Good replies, all. And as for the counter-argument that "Proper non-negligent supervision and safety instruction will prevent these tragedies." That's hooey. LOOK: If there were NO swimming pools, there would be NO deaths from swimming pools. It's that simple and nothing you can say will change my mind. People will always be negligent and cannot be trusted to raise & supervise their children properly.
We would also need to ban all "Saturday Night Swimming". It's just too easy and dangerous to do.

Damn the NPA and that "Assault Water".
Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

The most hazardous thing to life on earth is life on earth. If you're dead, you are no longer at risk of being harmed by anything.

Life is hazardous to your health. Kill yourself, your family, and three or four of your neighbors & their families now, before you all come to a bad end. Then the children (and everyone else) will be safe from everything.

I shall now remove my tongue from my cheek.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
This thread looks like it's done in jest for fun. Did you know that if you have a pool and some trespassing nonswimmer drowns in your pool your pool becomes an attractive menace or some such crap and you may be held liable for the trespassers death?
Just a thought, Hank
Jeez, Hank, that's an easy one. When you find the body, just get the shotgun out and blast him!

"I feared for my life, officer. He tried to drown me."

DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate or condone the- awww, you guys know what I was going to say here...

All this tongue and cheek is fun, but just remember not to really formulate these comparisons in public.
Remember, a swimming pool, or a car, or a bucket, or whatever is NOT designed to kill.
Most firearms are designed to kill, and with good reason.
It is a sacred responsibility and a constitutional right to own these efficient killing devices.
Try not to dilute that too much with comparisons to things that are merely dangerous by nature, but not fundamentally crucial to our liberty.

P.S. I'll take some party pooper pills now, looks like I need them.

Same Shot, Different day