Change of address for NFA's

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you. I mailed my 5320-20 form on April 3. It was signed by the ATF on April 7 and I received the completed form back in late September.
I was told by the ATF that when the location of NFA item(s) change a 5320-20 has to be completed. I had to fill out this form even though I had only moved four blocks from the address on the original Form 4. They want to know where the weapon(s)/item(s) is located.

The 5320-20 form: Application To Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain NFA Weapons is in fact a permission request to remove the item(s) from one location and transport to another. A high percentage of these 5320-20 forms are filled out and approved by the ATF long after the item(s) have already been moved.
On the Form 5320-20, the operative word is INTERSTATE. I have moved three times within my own state and never notified BATF and the only way they would know I moved is when I acquire or sell something.

IMO, believe me, they KNOW where you are!!