Change in status of Suppressors ?


Has anyone thought of pushing our legislators to change the status of suppressors? I for one would like them removed from NFA status completely, but what about pushing in a direction like changing them from the $200 "transfer tax" to the $5 one for AOW's? As far as the arguments to be made we at least have sound issues covered (ie less annoyed neighbors complaining about loud gunfire all the time). Everyone complains at some point about the annoyance and the cash drain it is to purchase a suppressor (like any other nfa item), but does anyone actively push to change it?
The NRA is pushing for to lift the 86 ban.
You can be sure that any goverment will not give up the $200 per NFA item.
We can be happy if we get normal priced machine guns!
You never can tell...

A lot of these moderate Democrats are going to have to do something to maintain the support of all the moderate Republicans that switched sides for this election.

New gun control measures will make them angry, but an obscure reclassification of NFA devices would be a nifty bone to toss 'em. As long as the media does not find out about it...

"These deadly silencers and machine-guns are now being considered for open sale to any bloodthirsty hoodlum who wants one..." -Future CNN Story

One thing is for sure, though. The BATFE is not going to want to sink the $200 tax stamp.
The NRA is pushing for the liftin gof the 86 MG ban?????? Where is this info? I am a Life member and support the NRA, but they have never shown themselves to be pro-MG in any way.

Please supply info on this.
I can understand about the full auto law, but I never will understand why they put suppressors or SBSs/SBRs in that catagory too. It's kind of sad to think about, but I think that most class 3 dealers love the '86 ban because they can charge so much for a full auto and wouldn't be able to if the ban was over.

Sorry, I am just thinking out loud here. :p
but I think that most class 3 dealers love the '86 ban because they can charge so much for a full auto and wouldn't be able to if the ban was over.

Sorry, but it's not like the dealers are paying nickles for MG's and then selling them for 8 grand. Pre '86 guns will run the dealers exactly the same that they would run you and me. Transferable, registered MG's are worth (:barf: ) that much because there aren't many out there. Dealers do pay, however, excitingly low prices for post '86 guns because only SOT's can have them. A good friend of mine is a Lt. with a small town department and they bought G18's for something on the order of $600. They just can't be sold to civvies....too bad.
It would be nice if suppressors were reclassified, but I really don't see it happening anytime soon.

"Senator John Doe supports flooding the streets with monstrous and evil cop-killing silencers. More at 11:00."

It would be political suicide.
It would be nice if suppressors were reclassified, but I really don't see it happening anytime soon.

"Senator John Doe supports flooding the streets with monstrous and evil cop-killing silencers. More at 11:00."

It would be political suicide.

It's not like criminals can't get suppressors as it is. I think the reason you don't see them being used in many crimes is that they are not practical or useful in the smash and grab type theft that commonly occurs, the bad guy is already making a lot of noise and drawing attention to himself. Also, there are a whole lot quieter ways to kill someone that using a suppressed gun, so I don't see an argument about assassinations holding any merit. Besides, you wouldn't be flooding the streets, you'd just be making them less restricted. In Europe using a suppressor when hunting is necessary as it's seen as a polite way to reduce noise pollution and protect hearing.
to think, everone wants you to have a muffler on everthing EXCEPT a firearm:confused: The gangsters of 1934 are dust in thier graves, and the GCA of 1934 on those items should be can either trust the citizens with firearms , or you cant.(a tommygun dont kill a person any deader than anything else)
suppressors should come under OHSHA rather than BATFE lol (its for the children's:) ....hearing)
In Europe using a suppressor when hunting is necessary as it's seen as a polite way to reduce noise pollution and protect hearing.

And silencers in this country became controlled mostly because the government was concerned about them being used to poach game.
And silencers in this country became controlled mostly because the government was concerned about them being used to poach game.

Do you have anything to back up this statement? I wouldn't think this would be true, as hunting laws (other than migratory birds) are state laws, not federal.

If the federal government were concerned about hunters silently killing game, then they'd restrict/ban bows and arrows. Those are a whole lot quieter than a suppressed firearm.
The NRA is pushing for the liftin gof the 86 MG ban?????? Where is this info? I am a Life member and support the NRA, but they have never shown themselves to be pro-MG in any way.

Please supply info on this.

The NRA pushed for the lift of the ban for a few weeks after it was passed.:rolleyes: Since then, they've just swept the issue under the rug...
C Philip said:
Also, there are a whole lot quieter ways to kill someone that using a suppressed gun, so I don't see an argument about assassinations holding any merit.

Most people only know of suppressors from movies, where they are often used for assassination.

Besides, you wouldn't be flooding the streets, you'd just be making them less restricted.

Do you remember the expiration of the AWB, and how hysterical some of the articles were? Reason and logic tend to fail in the face of emotion.

In Europe using a suppressor when hunting is necessary as it's seen as a polite way to reduce noise pollution and protect hearing.

And because of Hollywood, here they are seen as assassin's tools.

I also thought I read something about how suppressors made it onto the '34 NFA because of poaching during the Great Depression. Don't have a source, though.
Sometimes in those emails I get from the NRA they mention something they're doing to repeal the '86 ban.

Of course I haven't saved any of those emails...When I get a new one I post it.
Kozak6, I understand what you are saying, it just seems silly to me that people see things like fancy fight scenes or exploding cars in a movie and say, "Oh, of course that isn't real, it's Hollywood." But when it comes to guns many people believe everything they see in the movie, it makes no sense. I think pointing this out to someone who thinks suppressors are used they way they are in movies would make them realize how wrong they are; and tell people that their emotions are getting the better part of their reasoning. I don't think anyone could argue that a decision based on emotions is more sound than one based on logic.
"I don't think anyone could argue that a decision based on emotions is more sound than one based on logic."
Apparently, you have never spoken to a Democrat.