Chamber Conversion Sleeve/Adapter/Insert


New member
Hi All,

I came across a cool device that lets you shoot 7.62x25 from a Mosin:
I was wondering if anyone has ever made one designed to shoot 7.62x39 from a Mosin. I feel like that would be really interesting.

Does anyone know of a place where I can find more of these, or perhaps someone who custom makes them? The most important thing is that I don't want to alter the rifle, I want an adaptor that is removed after every shot and then reloaded one at a time.

There were a few places that carried them briefly, sportsmansguide used to have them, but sold poorly after people realized they were a pain in the butt to use. Adapter gets ejected, then you have to knock the empty case out, and reload a single round. Sounds like a good idea but gets old fast. Less recoil was the only advantage, there wasnt much savings in cost of ammo.
I have several, I haven't gotten around to load development, but they let you engage in what used to be called "gallery shooting", fire a centerfire rifle on an indoor range but using pistol ammunition. I have one in 7.5 French, lets me fire my MAS 1936.
Back in the 1960s/70s, a guy in IIRC Montana used to advertise in Shotgun News for his .308 inserts to be used in Garands. What I heard was that they worked, but commonly shot loose after not very many rounds were fired.
The one I tried allowed the use of 7.62x39 in a .308. The idea being the use of lower pressure ammo in the questionable "1916" Mauser. It was glued into the chamber. After a year of tinkering, I simply replaced the barrel with a 257R.
I just load the 7.62x54 down to around x39 velocity. The Hornady starting loads aren’t much faster with the 123 gr .310 bullets and recoil in a 91-30 is pretty light.
I found using adapters/inserts for a shotgun are going to shoot so low that you'll be aiming so high you won't even see the target.

I abandoned by interest in such things as I have so many guns, trying to remember where the POA is for all of them with inserts is a terrible choice for any survival situation or legit use.

If these inserts worked well, don't you think there'd be more out there on forums and youtube?

The good thing is they're cheap and can be fun. That's about it.