Century Arms M1 Garand Receivers


New member
Hey Everyone, first time TFL poster here.

Orsogato and I were at a gun show Nov 6 and we saw a large number of rifles built on Century Arms Garand receivers, and neither of us had seen them before. Are these just now being manufactured, or have they been around? Anyone know about their quality? Anyone own one?

I'll always prefer the GI receiver. I love the fact that most were in the hands of GIs as they served our country at the height of it's greatness. But I probably wouldn't turn down a Century Arms receiver if the deal was good. If I had a dozen M1s, I'd want a dozen more.

"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free
man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher, A Discourse of Government within relation to the Militias
I suspect they're casted and I don't know whether their foundry (or more likely, subcontractor) is as good as Pine Tree Casting (Ruger).

One thing Ruger does is after they cast a part, they will gauge it, and straighten it. They build quite a few special gauges which measures the critical part of the part and the individual who does the gauging will do the straightening. This is done before any part is sent to the machine shop for final machining.

I wish Century Arms much success, but would approach their recievers with caution.

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