Century Arms Lays Off 41 Employees Due To M1 Garand Re-Import Ban

And the M1 isn't even an "evil assault rifle" nor is it a weapon of choice for either run-of-the-mill criminals like bank robbers or sicko mass murderers. The only reason for the White House to block it is to pander to the anti-gun lunatic fringe.
This is very old news, the ban happened years back. I think Century is blaming the ban for lay offs when it actaully has little to do with it. If they hired to many employees "hoping" to get the rifles Imported thats their own fault and bad managment
I doubt very much if Century hired 40-plus people to process and sell guns they did not have, but were depending on the Garand imports to keep them going. There are no other big deals out there : Mosin rifles and Nagant pistols from Ukraine are just one part of the market, the Mausers and Swiss imports are done, SKS is over, Enfields are history, not much left.

Would have been nice to see good $350 Garands, they would be snapped up quickly by sons and grandsons of WWII veterans.
This is very old news, the ban happened years back. I think Century is blaming the ban for lay offs when it actaully has little to do with it. If they hired to many employees "hoping" to get the rifles Imported thats their own fault and bad managment

Well let's look. The Newtown shootings happened in Dec. of 2012. It was in the early summer of 2013, IIRC, that the White House issued the series of Executive Orders which prevented the import of the M1s from South Korea.

The White House's refusal to allow Century International Arms, of Fairfax, to re-import the World War II-era M1 Garand rifles is an apparent result of new rules set up last summer concerning requests to ship military-grade firearms back into the United States.

So the time line laid out in the article is correct and not "old news". The article is about the current layoffs and the efforts to get the guns in.

The article goes through the efforts of Century Arms to get the government to allow the guns in. It also casts a pall over efforts to get other surplus firearms in.

$350 Garand ???????????? Ha , that never would have happened. Century would have priced them higher than what CMP sells them for
Maybe yes, maybe no. Whatever the price, two or three hundred thousand Garands would have disappeared into the great American gun market in short order.

The Northern Ireland minty No. 4 Enfields, maybe 30,000 total, lasted about 4 months and sold for about what any other Enfield went for at the time.