Century 2000 Sporter G-3 (HK 91)


New member
Anyone seen one of these or have experience with them? Per the description: "Century has taken original, excellent, H&K kits and U.S. made, new alloy receivers and and has come up with the finest rifle we've seeen in a long time!"

Anyone know what receivers they use? I've heard that Hesse are poor quality. I've also seen similar rifles advertised with "stamped" receivers (could these be "stamped" aluminum?).

I don't have any experience with HK rifles, but I'm tempted to order one (dealer cost: $719.95). But I'd hate to get a poor quality, junky looking rifle like some of the FALs I've seen. Or one that won't work reliably. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Those Federal Arms aluminium receivers sure look ugly and disfigured, but I have no experience with their reliability. They could be outstanding for all I know. I don't think a stamped aluminium receiver would be good.

The Hesse receivers (stamped steel) are pretty much junk. One smith said that he had to adjust, refit, and rework just about every detail to get it to go together and function. The few I've seen have been works of art (abstract impressionist art).

Special Weapons LLC apparently sold their SW3 (HK-91/G3 type) to Century or something, so don't expect anything new from them. I understand they have some FMP receivers, though.

If you don't live in California, put in an order to InterOrdnance for a HK liscenced receiver made by FMP in Portugal. These are very nice and have the cocking tube welded onto the receiver at the factory, so there's no hand fitting. They're expected to come in around March and cost about $500, but get your order in now to be sure to get one. There are a few other dealers that have the FMP, but IO is the only one I know for certain.
The Century is basically crap. The fit and finish alone should have been enough for me not to take it home! Point being, I took it home and tried to clean it out before taking it to the range. I couldn't perform the normal field strip on it because the receiver/stock fit was horrible I couldn't slide the stock off! It was like they jammed the stock onto the receiver and forced the two take down pins into the holes with a press. If you have never stripped an HK G3/91 your probably scratching your head right now!

I checked out the bolt and cocking tube, the freaking thing had pits and burrs and even traces of rust. I called up the shop and told them what's up. I went back the next day and got my money back. Although I never shot it, I feared that if I had, the weapon would have depreciated considerably and I would have been f*cked. They seem like total pieces of crap but who knows, they may have some inherent accuracy trait and shoot like olympic grade rifles! Just make sure you know what your getting yourself into man.

Oh yeah, I went and spent the money on a trick Glock 21 with hi-caps, best chunk of change I ever spent.
Like Destructo6 suggests, wait for the Portugese receiver. I've seen the Century Arms aluminum receiver and if you're into heavy weight movie props, then you might give it consideration.

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