Centurian FAL and HK rifles


New member
How do ya'll like these guns? I was thinking how great a $500 semi auto .308 would be and thought I would ask what the deal is on these. Im not concerned so much as to the looks of the finish etc. I want to know if the are reliable shooters and if the hit what their aimed at. Oh yea the real ones for $3000 are out of the question.
The FALs can be great shooters as long as you get one with a DSA or Imbel receiver. The other manufacturers have a spotty record. Some of the Century assembled FALs will need a bit of work, as they are hastily put together.

The best way to do a FAL is to buy a receiver, a parts kit, and have a smith assemble it. Usually more care is put into your rifle this way. Plus, you can customize it to your desires.

The only US-made HK clone I'd buy (that's currently on the market) is of the aluminium receivered Federal Arms type. The Hesse receiver is just too poorly made.

If you can stand the trial, you can get a FMP receiver, made under HK liscence, from InterOrdnance. Find a decent parts kit, a new barrel, some US parts (from Federal Arms), a smith to assemble and you'll have a HK quality rifle for the clone price.
I bought 3 Century FALs a few years ago @ $379 ea! from a Turner's. I'd never shot one, but for the price, I was willing to risk it. All three are very reliable, good guns.
Cheapest I've seen one lately is $600.00.
I have the Federal Arms clone which uses a G3 parts kit on a new aluminum receiver. I averaged 2-3 MOA groups with iron sights and had no malfunctions. If anything, the ejector port needs to be flared as the brass gets beat-up, but I've been assured that this is fairly common with HK 91s in general. Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with this rifle.
chmeyers, don't flare the ejection port. The brass will get beat to death, regarless of what you do. It's the nature of HKs. The Hk port buffer is really only to save the side of your receiver, not the brass.