Central Texas Cowboy School

Big Hext

New member
Howdy all,

Our club, the Tejas Caballeros, will be holding a Cowboy School and Social on June the 29th at our club range.

This will be a great opportunity for folks interested in cowboy shooting to come learn, talk and shoot. You will see different types of dress, guns and carts.

Please send me an email at: bighextfinnigan@ev1.net if you are interested in more information or to register. You can also check out our webpage www.austintexas.net/cowboy/

Y'all have a great day and good shooting.

Big Hext Finnigan
:) Sounds great Big Hext:
We should probably do something like this in my area. A lot of what we are doing now are appearances at outdoor shows and events.
Best idea we had

Thanks for the flowers, Mike

This option works the best for our club. It brings out our regular shooters and new shooters. We're looking at hosting these schools and socials on fifth Saturdays in the future.

This is our first try, so we'll see how it shakes out.
Just one more bump.

We're at almost two weeks and counting!

Hope to see some of y'all there. C'mon down now, ya hear?!
cowboy kindergarten

Cowboy School is a great idea for us wannabee cowboys. I was glad to see there are clubs here in Washington. Their next match is in two weeks and I can barely keep my spurs on waiting for it.
Big Hext,

Even though the weather did not fully cooperate I thought
the school went very well! My boy and I greatly enjoyed
the event and will be back. The event seemed very well
organized and was very informative while remaining fun.
Yall did a great job!!!
