Central NY- 3 Gun Events


New member
Anyone know of any 3 Gun events in the Albany, Binghamton, Syracuse area?
Is thier a website that has this info posted? i'd like to give it a try someday, or a least go watch one.
Great match

Well I shot the West Point combat weapons three gun match yesterday and am still feeling it today. It was a great match. Some very interesting stages and the cadetes of the CWT made good ROs. For their first match I thought it was very well run. It was one of the more mentaly and physicaly demanding matches I have shot. Just having to lug all the gear around from stage to stage was a work out. I am glad there was no trooper class this time, mabey I'll sign up for it next time if I whip myself in to better shape.
It was a fun match and had a huge prize table, every shooter came away with something. You cant ask for more than that.
The weather even cooperated, after 6 days of rain it finally cleared up. The Ranges were still wet but that only added to the feel of the match. Slogging through the mud and riding around in Humvees was a total blast.
There is a rummor that the CWT is planning another match in the spring so keep an eye out for the announcement.