Central Mo. Wild hogs??


New member
I was talking to our neighbor turns out he looked in his front yard where he saw a wild hog?? The neighbor quickly grabbed his rifle headed outside where the hog then took off running towards the creek,the young neighbor chased the hog on foot towards the creek where he was able to get a shot and killed the 150# Hog!!

I was really surprised to hear of hogs in our part of the state?? I have heard and read through our conservation dept. that we have hogs in southern mo.,but never heard of hogs in the central part of the state?

Times sure have changed with the different animals that are now present in our state? We now have black bears,armadillos,hogs,mountain lions,and a large population of bob cats?..When I was kid growing up here in the late 60's and early 70's you were lucky to see a deer(deer track) or a wild turkey.

I live in the central part of Missouri near Columbia,MO.,next to a creek(cedar creek) which travels many miles before emptying into the MO. river...On this creek I have seen a mountain lion and armadillos,I guess the hogs are here now?? :confused:
Let me just assure you that mid-mo has a few loads of texas, bama, louisiana and florida hogs hauled in each years...;)

Where else are our average feral swine worth a hundred bucks per head by the trailer load? "Trophy" hogs bring in $250+:cool:
Anyone caught transporting, releasing or propagating the spread of feral hogs should be imprisoned for a long time or shot on sight. Those of you who do not have a hog problem, count your blessings and do everything in your power to prevent it from getting a foothold. There's nothing glorious or game about those things. If they get a foothold into your area you will play hell getting them out or even under control.
In Missouri for 40+ years

There are indeed feral hogs and some "escaped" farm hogs in south MO. They have been there for years with "shoot on site" orders from conservation commission.

I don't doubt that your neighbor saw a hog in his yard but my guess is that it was an escaped farm hog from somewhere.

I also agree with you that we now have plenty of armadillos, and more mountain lions than conservation cares to admit in the state. The black bears have been in south MO since the 60's when Ark populated a bunch in the northern part of their state and some of them migrated North.
I admit that I was approached with a few hefty offers from folks in the middle of the nation inquiring about my trapped pigs and hogs...

I also admit the temptation is great when you are looking at $10-25K EASY for a load of hogs...

It was my lack of proper holding facilities that stopped me initially... These folks are the only ones committing a crime if it could even be proven.

I would have paid my $10.00 per head for my vet to do the requisite "inspection" and sign off on my health certs. I am now selling livestock... legally...

The buyer would have the legit health certs. so he may not even be violating a law hauling them.

These folks never told me they were going into the pork business,they all told me they were putting them on "game farms".

I never sold a load but know of many that went that way as well as tons of feral hogs are legally sold at ag auctions. These ferals are often thought of as "ornery" domestic stock. These hogs will not be easy to put into a domestic operation and often escape immediately after purchase.

I hope Wisconsin get 100's and 1000000000000! if the DNR wont give me more then days to hunt deer for 24.00 then let them take over the State I dont care what bad they do there would be fun to hunt anyway.:D
I haven't researcher Missouri specifically, but from the east coast and throughout the south, a normal way to raise hogs from the 1600s through the 1940s was by freeranging them. I sure it continued past the 1940s, but the practice appears to have curtailed greatly. Growing up in east Texas, my father would turn out the pigs to the bottoms in the morning and go out and gather them up in the evening. Sometimes there would be more, sometimes less. Sometimes they would get with the neighbors to get hogs to their proper owners. No doubt lots escaped during that time as they have throughout the east and south which will account for a good portion of your local population of feral hogs.

See post 28 here for specific references

I loved getting paid by contractors to hunt them in new subdivisions in Fl,. and now almost wish they'd reach central Ky, even though they're very destructive, the year round hunting and no limit is tempting.
We live in the country where we row crop,the last few years I have noticed some rooting in the beanfields?? That just doesn't look normal,like deer or turkeys scratching and scraping,I'm wondering if these were hogs rooting in the fields??

I guess the hog could've come from a fenced in "pay to hunt" area?? I just not aware of any pay hunting ranches nearby??

Cowboymo, I have heard about the hogs in southern mo. and the shoot on site from the MO. Conservation Dept.,But just really shocked to see them in the central part of the state?
The pig explosion is not limited just a few states. It is everywhere. Even Europe is experiencing the same problem.
Some of the e-coli outbreaks have been traced to California where the 'animal rights' people have managed to put a stop to the killing of feral pigs. Then the pigs come out of the mountains at night and eat row crops and leave their filth and disease behind.
The might be other solutions, I don't know, but, right now, it looks like unrestricted hunting is the only way to control populations.
MOshooter65202, you are welcome, although if you really start seeing what these things can do you may not thank anybody.

Just moved to MO, but have gone looking for hogs in FL. They are very destructive, and leave fairly obvious trails. In Florida, they liked to bed down in palmetto scrub - very pointy, nasty stuff to push through for a human. My guess is that will be the norm, so in MO I would expect to find them in areas with dense, thorny brush, when they are not foraging and feeding.

After all, they move through it well, and most of their potential predators really do not.

The other thing about hogs, in my experience and in the experiences of friends, is that while you sometimes find one, you often find at least two; in one case a friend surprised a sow and hoglets, only to suddenly be surprised by 30 or so more hogs that came charging when the sow squealed. He was in a power-line cut in Texas at the time, and ended up treed up a pole for a half hour or so until the hogs lost interest.

Conclusion: If looking for hogs, having a weapon with good caliber and capacity is a very good idea. Having a buddy or two, similarly armed, is not a bad idea.

Most places that have a lot of hogs, have open season on same. They are hell on cropland.

They are also omnivores. They killed and ate a lot of wounded in the wars in Europe over the centuries.

If you really want advice on hogs, PM hogdogs; of course, he's already active in this thread, so you could just ask any further questions openly, too. (Note: He uses dogs, and normally does not use a gun. There is more than one way to skin a... you get the idea.)