Central Arkansas -- Mayflower Range

Spats McGee

I hope this is the right place for this. If any of you central Arkansas shooters are thinking of going to the range at Mayflower, you should know that the pistol and rifle ranges are closed for the month of February. I looked at the website before driving out today, but neglected to look at the range calendar, which can be found here: http://www.huntcal.com/cgi/calview.cgi/agfc/crsr?vm=r
Thru March?

I called in and was told that pistol and rifle range were being refurbished and out of commision until end of March. I hope I misunderstood him.
Weathers been so bad they haven't been able to do much. It was supposed to be done in Febuary . The pistol range is going to get either a 7 or 10 yard target to go with the 25 and 50 yard range if I remember right. They told me that with all the short barrel guns being used that the targets needed to get closer to firing line. I said old eyes would welcome it too.
You know, I've gone down 5 probably hundreds of times, but I've never seen the range between MH and MV. I'll have to look more closely.
Well, foo. I decided to check the range calendar today, and here's what it said across the top of the page:


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I called and talked to them about the storm damage and they still say it will be late summer or early fall before they're up and running again. They need to put a rush order on this because I'm going broke at the indoor range.

The good part was the new stuff for the pistol range wasn't even started yet so it didn't get tore up by the storm. I think the rifle range will open first for hunting season and the pistol range will play second fiddle.

He said nothing can be done till the insurance check gets cashed and they haven't got one yet. Still don't sound good for hunting season but maybe.
The pistol range is going to open back up Jan 18 so they say. I was up there yesterday shooting on the rifle range and from what I seen it's going to be a big improvement. More lanes and 4 or 5 different yards setting.