Ceasefire Oregon survey...


New member
If anyone is curious what the gun rights battle looks like on the west coast here it is. We've been publicly promised more gun control legislation for the 2017 legislative session. A recall petition to prohibit use of Oregon’s emergency clause failed by a narrow margin this year... signatures counted by the anti-gun legislators in office. So I expect more of the same gun control legislation to be forced on us without vote like last year...

feel free to take Ceasefire Oregons latest survey.


notice the question #6: "What do you believe are the most effective ways at controlling gun violence. click all that apply"

take note....

1) not one option to improve mental health care
2) not one mention of keeping violent offenders off the streets
3) majority of options blame either the gun or the owner for "gun violence"
4) option to repeal the Second Amendment is on the table....

take a look at every one of the options and let them sink in real deep. Remember these when folks tell you "nobody wants to take away your guns"
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Didn’t see much of a focus on locking up bad guys. :confused: Like a lot of these dingoes they focus on restricting the gun rights of law abiding citizens while simultaneously supporting criminal justice reform which puts more violent criminals on the street. Recently the Mayor of Atlanta complained about the “revolving door” at the courthouse and the way bad guys are shuffled quickly through the system and right back onto the street.
Looks to me like the survey was written so that no matter how people answer they can probably pull out "statistics" that support what they want to say.

EDIT: I think they are focused on locking up bad guys. They just need to pass a bunch of new laws to make the new class of bad guys, us, that they are looking for.
Chaz88 said:
Looks to me like the survey was written so that no matter how people answer they can probably pull out "statistics" that support what they want to say.

I was actually going to take the survey to select the options to actually reduce criminal violence and noticed that, there are none.
what stood out to me though was the option to select to repeal the Second Amendment was on the table. I keep hearing how they don’t want to take away our guns, and that Hillary doesn’t want to repeal the Second Amendment...
7. Which work done by Ceasefire Oregon and COEF do you feel is most important right now? Please choose one.

Work with Oregon state legislators to pass strong state laws to reduce gun deaths and injuries, such as the 2015 universal background checks law

Ok, so if choice one of question 7 posits that the 2015 UBC law saved lives, I would challenge them to show via statistics that it saved lives, that the number of people shot by guns that were obtained by non-background checks dropped last year.

Fair is fair. If you say you made a difference, prove it.
This is clearly a fund-raiser propaganda piece. It is not a survey by any means.

What do you think the Antis would do if the NRA formulated a survey in the same style as this one with all pro-gun answers?
We have the same BS in NY. I could not live with it any longer. So I moved to Tennessee last year. Best thing I ever did.
Remove Portland and Eugene from the equation, and Oregon is a red state.

Same for Washington, we are controlled by 3 out of 39 counties.

Want to pass an initiative in Washington? Just buy airtime and newsprint in Seattle.
The problem is people in rural Oregon keep electing the politicians in Portland and Eugene. Or maybe they are just not voting at all. Either was its their own darn fault... Oregon is blue for a reason.
The populace of a certain geographic area of Oregon can be easily manipulated by media and billionaire outsiders

Yes, sadly we’re seeing the same thing in Georgia as the metro-Atlanta area continues to grow. A big push for business growth is attracting more people from other parts of the country. Many of these people have no interest in guns and/or actively support more gun control. Ms. Clinton has focused a lot of energy/money on Georgia and believes she has a good chance to win. This could also result in many more anti-gun politicians being elected at the State level. Sadly I fear a lot of people I’ve spoken with seem pretty complacent and believe that gun owners in Georgia are in pretty good shape. I suspect the folks in Colorado felt the same just a few years ago.
I'm thinking complacency is rampant. For example, when pressed hard, progun people usually just fall back on the second amendment and say it will never happen... Well, it is happening all around the country with little going on to stop the antigun momentum. They've figured out local systems and are chipping away at gun rights fairly quickly. Couple that with an antigun president appointing antigun judges, and these silly laws will stay for our lifetime.
What do you think the Antis would do if the NRA formulated a survey in the same style as this one with all pro-gun answers?

It might not be as blatant as this pole but I have received several internal poles from the NRA that do basically the same thing. They are almost always attached to some kind of rhetoric and end with asking for money.

I did receive one recently that could probably produce good data. But it probably wont because these kinds of things can not be considered valid evidence when the audience is targeted. It is only statistically relevant to show what NRA members that answer think.
Im not surprised that Ceasefire would skew their poll, I mostly just wanted to point out here what stood out to me most.... something the antis will deny every chance they get, that nobody wants to take away the Second Amendment.

the option is in their survey....
The ranking question is an example of no matter what, a response that "we" don't like is going to be #1

I was going to fill it out, but didn't take long for me to see no point in doing it from my point of view.
The problem is people in rural Oregon keep electing the politicians in Portland and Eugene. Or maybe they are just not voting at all. Either was its their own darn fault... Oregon is blue for a reason.

I agree, but also disagree. The change came in the 80's with the loss of the family farms.
The population has since migrated to the cities. But alas we ceded the cities to the left years ago. We are now paying that price and our freedom is the toll.
There are now 5 people in the same area that used to support 10 families.
10 conservative families that are no longer there. Its a pure numbers game and they hold all the numbers. Its just a matter of time.
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The ranking question is an example of no matter what, a response that "we" don't like is going to be #1

I was going to fill it out, but didn't take long for me to see no point in doing it from my point of view.

same here, except I went back and just filled out one of the "other" boxes and typed out to keep violent offenders off the street....

my far fetched fantasy is that some intern or whoever is compiling the data sees that and asks the boss why they dont do that too and when they tell them they dont want to focus on the criminal just the gun a light turns on and the intern quits and walks out....