CeaseFire - Missing the Target

Read the following article on CeaseFires web site. http://www1.jointogether.org/plugins/ceasefire/news/ReadNews.jtml?Object_ID=257413

Is it just me or are they missing the point of Project Exile. It is not the guns they are trying to remove from the streets, it is the felons using them. It is this kind of slanted reporting that is brainwashing the sheep of America into supporting the anti-self-defense lobby.

Also I found the following line particularly two-faced.

"Project Exile does have its critics, however. The U.S. Justice Department has not endorsed it as an effective measure for reducing gun violence, and a panel of federal judges in Richmond called Project Exile a federal intrusion into state matters."

Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it.

Did you notice that the parent organization is the Boston University School of Public Health?

Rather than get funding to do scientific research on diseases and bona fide health problems, they resort to pseudo-scientific sociological trendy projects. They don't have to do rigorous science and get funding anyway. Pretty clever actually, those that can't cut it as genuine medicos and scientists can get jobs as sociologists masking as MDs. ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
"... and as MDs masking as sociologists."
Join Together has created a very persuasive, moving display which will sway many well-intentioned middle-of-the-road people to their side.
Many, if not most, people find or create "facts" to support their emotions. So it is with many of the anti-self defense folks who truthfully can not comprehend "our side".
Let's face it, any country that would elect Clinton ONCE is not thinking. By electing him twice, they are beyond the help of modern medicine (including mental health, etc.).
The contradictions are just fascinating. JTO's other plank is substance abuse. Interestingly, they complain when the government institutes policies that aim at limiting supply of drugs, rather than abuse of drugs (correctly enough), but they're dusting off their kneepads when the government suggests limiting gun supply rather than gun abuse. Hello?