CDC Gun Researcher Sacked

Prob'ly old news to you, but we just heard about it on a SSAA Alert this morning:

Note the comments from vehemently anti-gun, anti-men, lesbian Australian Rebecca Peters, a driving force behind the push for total civilian disarmament ...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Top Gun Injury Researcher at CDC Fired

Constitution News Keywords: 2ND AMENDMENT
Published: 11-15-99
Posted on 11/16/1999 08:07:12 PST by Trailer Trash

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly fired Mark L.Rosenberg, its top gun violence researcher, on Sept. 1, the Probe newsletter reported Nov. 1.

Rosenberg, who was fired by CDC Director Jeffrey P. Koplan, M.D., initiated CDC's research into gun violence in the early 1980s, looking particularly at the causes and prevention of gun violence.

"Mark has been a giant on the world scene in saying that the peril of gun injury is a public health issue that can be approached like any other such issue, by doing research, designing interventions, and then modifying them if necessary," said Rebecca Peters of Australia, an attorney and a gun control advocate who is a visiting fellow in justice studies at the Soros Foundation in New York.

She added, "There is a widespread perception among the public health community that the reason Rosenberg was so unceremoniously dumped is because he's been identified by the gun lobby as their enemy. I don't think this ouster is a coincidence, given the upcoming presidential election."

The CDC's gun violence work has been strongly opposed by Republicans in the U.S. Senate. In 1995, the U.S. Congress cut the CDC's budget by $2.6 million, the exact amount the center requested for research on gun-related
injuries. Among the senators who attacked the gun study program were Bob Dole (R-Kan.), Trent Lott (R-Miss.), Christopher Bond (R-Mo.), Ted Stevens (R-Ala.), and
Lauch Faircloth (R-N.C).

The program also was opposed by the National Rifle Association (NRA). According to Peters and other experts (emphasis added), the firing of Rosenberg means the NRA/GOP agenda to stop or curtail research on gun-related injuries has been achieved.

According to CDC spokeswoman Mary Ann Fenley, the remaining budget for limited research and analysis into gun violence provided by the U.S. Congress is $1 million annually. The cuts come at a time when gun violence at
schools, in the workplace and in communities has increased.

Rosenberg is now working in a non-federal job at a collaborative center for childhood well-being that is run by Emory University and the Carter Center near Atlanta, Ga. He also retains his U.S. Public Health Service title of assistant surgeon general.

Fenley said the center's new chief and acting director is family practitioner Stephen B. Thacker, M.D. It appears Thacker has little experience in gun violence studies.[/quote]

How sad ;)

Watch Rebecca Peters, people. She is bad news and seems somehow to always attract the support of those in high places for her anti-gun agenda.

Now he gets private money to lie and say it's the truth.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Rosenberg was tossed because he advocated junk science; because he advocated politicized junk science; because he advocated the politicization of a non-political governmental agency whose mandate is to work on diseases and epidemics.

Under him, we'd have a sudden Ebola epidemic and he'd blame it on privately owned guns and insist the cure would be gun confiscation. Lysenko would be proud of him

Rosenberg was tossed because he was incompetent in the job description. If he wants to play politics, he should have morgaged his first born to Clinton and lobbied for the Sec of Health.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited November 16, 1999).]
Amen. The ostensible logic shown by the author is incomprehensible, except in strict Orwellian terms. CDC is untouchable by the NRA. The very suggestion that the "evil empire" has reached in and plucked this guy out is laughable. CDC has about as much fear of the NRA as the IRS does of me.

The guy was sacked because he has outlived his use to the CDC machine. Such is politics...especially politics passed off as academia.
or Politics passed off as Science

They are mutually exclusive, despite what Algore says. Science is logic and fact....politics is hand jobs and snow jobs....Tipper must be a hot lil" number, 'eh?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hi, folks,

Ever notice that there is always some left wing group ready to pay these "liberal" politicians and bureaucrats zillion-dollar salaries if they get fired or voted out of office.

By the way, I see we have a new trade treaty with China. We buy their slave labor products and they buy our President. That's even up, right?

Rich, I think you're off base. Who do you think convinced Dole, Lott, et al. to cut the CDC funding by that amount to spite them for asking for anti-gun research? Yes, the NRA. Agencies who depend on Congress for their budgets are very concerned about members of Congress and the lobbyists who influence them. FWIW.
Thanks for passing that along, HS.
[Double OOPs, and sorry, Bruce, credit where credit is due. I offer a pair of big Fosters for my fumble _ Let me know wher you'd like to collect _ m2]

Bluntly, what is an organization whose name is "Communicable Disease Center" doing with a social "scientist" studying 'gun violence'???? I'm no Mensa genius, and I haven't seen the CDC's mission statement, but as far as I know, 'gun violence' isn't communicable, so I can only assume that it is indeed, politics, and really has nothing to do with disease control, but rather people control, and should be under crime control. WTF?

Then there Mary Ann Fenley, idiot CDC spokesperson, stating that gun violence is on the rise, adn boo-hooing the skimpy budget. Did the silly b*tch bother to research her statement? Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything I've read lately that actually cited reliable statistics indicates gun violence (and crime in general)is declining. Part of the reason these incidents are so sensational is because they are relatively rare. I'm all for investigating the SOCIAL phenomena that contributes to violence and crime, but I don't think it belongs at the CDC, especially when their agenda is so obviously biased and teh subject is beyond their scope. They need to fire her @$$, too.

OTOH, how come news of armed citizens acting to prevent or frustrate crime gets little publicity. Could it be because it's relatively common and therefore not sensational enough to be newsworthy? Becasue it doesn't fit the press' subjective reality? Conspiracy to mislead the public? All of the above? What am I missing here?

I guess we're getting to them if they believe the NRA/GOA has influence at the CDC. Either that, or it's a tacit admission that the CDC really is a political organization rather than a scientific one. IMO, the NRA/GOA getting that clown fired is about as likely as the "vast right wing conspiracy" that was out to get Klinton. Though I believe the Right was/is out to get him, he IS an amoral sleazebag by virtually any measure, and it doesn't take more than a dazzling command of the obvious to figure that out.

Oops, I'm rambling, sorry. I guess I'm just having a one of those days of intense pride in being a taxpayer and funding this crap.
Best regards, M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited November 19, 1999).]
Shame on all of you! Holiday Season approaches and you collectively gloat over this man's loss of employment. Lest you forget, like the rest of us, he probably has a wife, kids, mortgage and school loans to pay off.

As a man of compassion, I'll offer him employment and let him wash my windows, clean my toilets and take out the garbage. This will be on a contractual basis which will be calculated at minimum wage. Naturally, he'll have to show me his contractor's license, and have to be bonded, and proof that he has Workman's Comp Insurance. If he does a good job, I may even take him to the range to change my targets. Stand a little closer to the bullseye please...

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt