CCW'r at Tacoma mall was shot


New member
I guess there was one guy in the mall who was carrying, and did draw and confront the shooter according to some witnesses. Papers said he was shot at least twice in the abdomen from 20 feet, after drawing his weapon and confronting the shooter. Police don't know if he was trying to use it, or if he just brandished it to try and stop the guy. They did say that his gun had not been fired.

He worked at a knife store in the mall, and was taking a deposit to the bank at the time.

Very sad! He talked to police for the first time today, but they are not saying what he told them. Doctors say he may have permanent paralysis from spinal injury.
..I don't know the details of what happened..before you ever draw a gun on someone, you'd better decide first if you are willing to shoot him....hesitation will get you killed...

"...some will draw a breath or blink an eye before they pull the trigger.....I won't...." J.W. in 'The Shootist"
You never know. At 20 feet, that means he was RIGHT THERE when it was going down, maybe he went for his gun as the guy was already shooting at him, and he never had a chance. it will be interesting to hear when they release more information. I wonder if the mall security video will ever be released. That would sure be interesting to see. I bet there would be a lot to learn from that.
One report said he fired one shot from a "poorly maintained " pistol which then jammed !! I'm bothered by the word "confront". With a BG who is shooting people you don't "confront" you shoot ! You even have the justification to shoot him in the back. Get good training , it may save your life !
Also hate to speculate about the circumstances, but we all know we are not bullet-proof. Tactics must be considered before drawing and making yourself a prime target. Always have the use of cover when situation dictates.
It's too early to speculate without a detailed report. On the surface it would seem that challenging an active shooter is a way to get shot. The person started the action probably discarding consequences. Some of these actions are really set ups for vengeance, making a statement and then suicide by cop.

I saw a re-inactment of some crime on the Discovery channel. Two bank robbers were challenged by two officers as they left a bank. From the show (who knows how accurate), one officer was shot and the others got away because of the officers repeatedly yelling to drop the gun while the bank robbers shot at them.

While you are talking, your attention and mental capacity is diverted from the action of observing the shooter, who thus gets a head start on shooting you. I've seen it in FOF.

Without real details,yet - it would seem to me that if you are facing an active shooter, challenging is not a priority.
One report said he fired one shot from a "poorly maintained " pistol which then jammed !!

I heard the police reporting that his gun was never fired. I have't heard anything about his gun jamming. Might never know what really happened.
Yesterday's News advised he had a Norinco (AK Knockoff) he purchased through "Little Nickel" classified advertising and a TEC-9. No announcement of what the civilian was carrying.

Confrontation is a shortcut to getting shot. Draw and fire. One smooth action. I train that way every time at range. Don't try to "quick draw" but remove weapon from holster, present to target, and fire (2 times). 1-2-3. No hitches, no snags, no misses. I hope, should it ever be necessary, it will be as natural as answering a phone, etc.