
New member
Well all. Go for my CCW tomorrow(nervous about it). Have not shot the gun in 2 months now. does any one know how big the target is?. I have to shoot 15 rounds at 15 feet and 15 rounds at 21 feet. Wish me luck all:eek:
In most states the target used is a standard LE qualification target. A B27 or something of similar size.

Good Luck Mr. 4Runnerman :)
In TX, the CHL (CCW) course is mostly about safety and the laws. I think I could have passed the target part with a slingshot. Don't sweat it, I'm sure you will be fine. There will be people there who have never handled a pistol before. At least a quarter of our class had to rent handguns.

Good luck, and have fun!!
A little late, but the center of most targets are the size of an 8" x 11" sheet of paper if you want to practice. If you can hit the paper you can pass that part. The worst part was setting through the law section.
Thanks Guy's Im reading this 10 minutes before i leave,so it does help settle the nerves. I can shoot good enough to hit 4 inch circle from 15 yards easy,but ya know how it goes.:)
For anyone else reading this, if you can shoot at all, you will pass. If you have no experience shooting, you still have a high likelihood of passing (at least here in Texas).
Im Back with a message.(don't sweat it).Thanks for all the moral support guys. I did pass very easy. I was not aware that all 15 shots had to be done in 25 seconds. I don't think i have ever slapped a mag in so fast and shot.
All 30 shots were in 10 inch circle,so im calling it good enough for me.;)
I did learn more in that class room than i thought i ever could. I was not aware that before you pull that gun so many different factors had better come together or your in trouble. I told the director,,Life was easier before i took this class. It was to say the least a very big eye opener for me. Different laws in different states and when you can when you can't. In the end i passed and thank all of you for your kind words of encouregment

Fifteen shots? (and in 25 seconds?)
What kind of requirement was that if the trainee is carrying a revolver or a single-stack (e.g., 45 ACP) magazine?
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Senior Member

Join Date: June 17, 2010
Posts: 329 Fifteen shots? (and in 25 seconds?)
What kind of requirement was that if the trainee is carrying a revolver or a single-stack (e.g., 45 ACP) magazine

That im not sure of. Just added more nerousness to me when he said it too.
My 45 only holds 8 +1. I have to imagine revolvers have to shoot 6 in ?? seconds. I did find out in class(very educational) that i was holding the pistol wrong. He also said once you get into that mode of holding that bad habits are hard to break,That is why it is easier to teach someone who has never shot to hold right because they have not built any bad habits yet. To all those that have CCW's.Maybe im just nieve(sp),but were you in shock also as to how bad it has to be before you can actually draw? One senerio he went through ,,, Was a store cleck behind counter,You walk in store,see clerk behind counter,man on outside of counter holding gun to her head.Do you have the right to pull your gun?. Answer is No you do not.Reason is could be BG behind counter and person holding gun could be undercover or other law.I answered that one wrong and said yes you could:( After class was over i went and talked to him about that senerio. I stated that in that situation it seemed that your only 2 options were 1-pull gun and possably go to jail 2- sit there until BG blows her head off and then you can live with the fact,That you could have prevented it ,but by law could not. Where i ask is the logic in that. He did mention certain States have castle laws now,other than that before you shoot,if there is a way out of your house,backdoor or something,it is your resposability to back out before shooting. This is just all so stupid to me. I find that after this class now i am more confused and bewildered about some of these laws then i was before i went there. The class was taught by a 20 yr vetran of law and many years in military.
The place is called
Good Luck

... here they dont have a specific target size...

.. Ya just have to include live fire..

..nothing specifying rounds or target size.