
New member
I was wondering if one had a concealed permit could they also carry a concealed fixed blade (bill bagwell bowie) along with gun. Would leo's still write you up, or take you in in Kali for felony?

Would be kinda stupid if they did, as the weapon (a knife) is less advanced, not same as carring concealed shotgun or rifle which I could picture as problem, ie increase in lethality for bystandards and sheer firepower esp rifle.

Just curious as that big bowie would draw attention, esp out here in kali where technically it is allowed open carry.
Very good questions, especially if only this is applicable questions to Phils.

Normally when carrying a CCW and at the same time carrying a knife as mentioned, will it constitute a felony when arrested for the knife.
In Texas, it's called a CHL, Concealed Handgun License. You can carry more than one handgun, but all previous knife laws still apply.
In Arizona we have a CWP "Concealed Weapon Permit". This permit (also fulfilling requirements of a license for legal purposes)has no restrictions for how many weapon(s) you carry, only that what you carry is legal and you are carrying them in a legal establishment, property or location. You may carry handguns, knives or even swords.....

Arizona also offers the CWP to non-residents.

Best Regards....
"Train to Defend, Train to Survive, Train to Win"
In Wyoming it is called a concealed firearms permit. You can carry as many concealed firearms as you want, one in each pocket and one in each boot, etc., but if you have an automatic knife (in some towns) it's off to jail you go.
Depends on the state.

In Utah it is a CCW, Concealed Carry Weapon. If the BATF allows it, the state probably does as well, as long as you have the permit.

It is silly, but I don't think that those who legislate/enforce tyranical laws really care what is just or what makes sense. (By the way, LEOs who use them to get BGs in the commission of a felony excluded.) When it really comes down to it is a shame that a permit is even required to carry legally. This nation has swallowed SO MANY philosophies that make no sense that they have accepted tyrany in exchange for the lie that govt w/provide security.

In WV, for expl., a CCW permit (read govt permission needed) will let someone carry a pistol concealed, but not a knife over 3". Someone wanting to cause problems for a knife carrier could easily arrest someone WITH a permission slip from thier comrads in power for carry of a gun. Makes no sense, but its the letter of the law. What makes even less sense is that permission is required before a man is allowed the means to exercise a God given right to defend his own family. Another mystery is why so many gun owners want to have to seek govt approval in order to carry out this responsability. I am convinced that too many gun owners, just like general population, too want security at the cost of liberty.

Just my 2 cents.....and a few pints of blood from some American colonists.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Funny thing I once read..
which is more dangerous a blow gun or a .45 auto full of hardball??

Some idiot also says "well in certain circumstances..." BULL****. Thanks for playing survey says you are wrong.

NOW which one is legal to buy in california???

See the thing is we HAVE the NRA not the Blowgun owner's Rights Association. Nobody lobbied for them, or for knives, maces, swords, poleaxes, asp baotons, switchblades and shivs.

(That argument was made by an editor of a Cyberpunk gamer's magazine I think)

My own view...

Its strange that you can get a ccw to tote around a 44mag desert eagle if you choose.. but that custom randall knife will get you busted every time but think about it another way....

Reason being?? I'm betting you don't win a case stabbing a guy to death 13-20 times and calling it a "defensive action". Now I'm risking FLAMING here by admitting this but I have been in a knife fight as a teen (and an untrained one at that) and i was lucky enuff to walk away without having MAJOR ograns perforated sliced and or diced.. just multiple lacerations and stitches.

Scenario: Guy comes at you with a straight razor and you knife him (outside your home)until he ceases to be a threat = murder 2 or manslaughter. Guy comes at you (with your ccw) and you shoot him until he stops (likely killing him ) you walk.

It would be VERY difficult to convince a jury of your peers no matter HOW clean cut you looked that you unwillingly "got into a knife fight". Its dirty, rough, mean and you WILL get cut. Why were you carrying a knife?? Why THAT knife?? etc etc etc. You could be liability to your own defense.

Knives are useful tools but didn't someone once say don't bring a knife to a gunfight???

my 2¢


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited November 15, 1999).]
This is smartass, but I'll tell 'em the truth:
The law (IL)doesn't allow me to carry a firearm, or a stick/baton, so the knife was my next best option. I don't like relying on it either, but have no choice.
Let 'em chew on that. . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I think you have been wrongly informed on the AZ permit.You have to show proof of 6 months of residence before you can apply.
Beemerb, Thanks for your attention, however I am correct, please see previous comment from Libertarian (Thanks Lib).

Because Arizona will now issue exact CWP to non-residents (must be a US Citizen) they have changed the resident rule, which use to be 6 months. BTW if you fulfill all the other resident rules you do not have to be a US Citizen.

Best Regards......
"Train as You Live and Live as You Train"
Dr Rob I think you are right about the hesterics that people have about blade combat, I think it would be just as bad a reaction if you were to say "shoot bad guy a few times with compound bow", that would really get them in a frenzy.

Thanks for all the replys.
Let me just say oberkommando and anyone else.. you NEVER want to get in a knife fight EVER.

Also there is the idea you show the bad guy the gun.. you are promising to kill him if need be.. but if you pull a knife on the bad guy you are promising to CARVE him up like a turkey. I think its the inherent SADISM (for lack of a better word) involved in knife fighting that makes people a little leary of those big wierd bowie and gil hibben custom knives and makes defense lawyers cringe.

you know I'd MUCH rather get caught with an unlicensed 38 in my pocket in a than a serreted edged combat dagger with a knuckle duster. You COULD argue (and its happened here a few times to people i know) with a cop that your gun is for self defense and that FEAR made you put the gun in your pocket/purse. You get nabbed with a rambo knife and you are going to get treated like a troublemaker. "what ARE you doing out here in the park with a knife at 2am huh????? Jogging my ass. You have the right to remain silent..." I'd MUCH rather be mistaken for a frightened citizen than a serial killer.

stay safe and stay legal,

In Nevada the permit is called a CCW, but allows only your two pistols to be carried. The laws go on to ban certain length knives from carry.
On my license (Florida resident talking here), it reads "Concealed Weapon or Firearm License," and if I'm reading the 790 Florida Statutes correctly, that means both firearms and fixed blades.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Dr Rob does that mean my dream double bladed batttle axe with 10 pound head is out?

I guess same would go for two CS tomahawks concealed under trench coat.

Or my full suit of electrified platemail armor? (not grounded unless someone touches it first) it would work wonders in a crowd.

Sorry admin, just my demented mind getting lose, too many RPG's in my youth.
hahaha RPG's huh You too?

Isn't it Funny how:

1. dungeons and dragons did not make me a satan worshipper.

2. punk rock did not make me gay

3. firearms did not make me a serial killer.

food for thought.

hahah Oberkommando I'm starting a new thread JUST for You and people like you...
( and me )
