CCW with OWB holster - terrible printing unless carrying cross draw

Just recently received my CCW and purchased a Glock 19, ordered a Stealthgear Ventcore Flex OWB holster, a Kore essentials belt, and a couple of Eddie Bauer lightweight button-up shirts to use as cover.

The gear has arrived and I’ve tried on everything and with my Glock on my strong side I look like I’m trying to shoplift an encyclopedia. I was dumbfounded at how visible my Glock is even under the cover shirt. Strangely, I can conceal very well if I carry the Glock on my weak-side with the grip facing forward (cross draw).

I live in Florida so heavier or additional cover clothing isn’t really an option. I have a small S&W M&P 340 I can use via pocket carry but on days that weather cooperates I feel like a Glock is preferred over the 5 shot revolver. I’m over weight (5-11 and 235 lbs) with a belly and love handles that is probably the issue. Carrying AIWB is not an option - I’m not at all comfortable with that.

I’m not even sure what my question here is. Maybe just requesting any advice or suggestions. I’ve read several posts about the hazards of carrying in a cross draw posture but am I further ahead to do that with the Glock than going with the 340 via pocket carry? I kinda feel like the Glock 19 carried less than optimally is still better than a small revolver carried in my pocket holster, weather permitting.
I'm within an inch of your height and 230 pounds. I don't know your aversion to IWB carry but I carry a Springfield XDs 45 at 4:00 and 2 spare magazines at 8:00 in Crossbreed SuperTuck holsters. With only a T-shirt or button down shirt in the summertime I see no major issues. If I bend over, and an observer knows what to look for, I suspect there may be printing but most folks probably never notice. I do blouse the shirt after tucking it in so it is not skin tight. It feels better to me and hides my not so slim figure. I carry every day all most all day, except for church and prohibited places, and am very comfortable. It is easy to forget the hardware is there. It does require a change in pants waist size and a good belt and suspenders help but I am at an age where I have earned the right to were suspenders.
I carry a SA hellcat in an OWB holster with just an untucked button up shirt over it every day. I am 5’10 200lbs. Never had an issue printing where someone noticed I was carrying. Here is my rig....


Before I got the Hellcat, I carried a Charter Arms Bulldog .44 in a similar holster.
I sure do appreciate everyone taking the time to help and post suggestions. I tried again this evening and I think I can alleviate a lot of the printing by cinching the belt down a little tighter. On the weak side it seems the grip seems to follow my gut more which helps decrease the printing.

If AIWB is too uncomfortable for you, then try wearing an IWB holster at say 2 o'clock - just in front of your hip bone. I find this position works well when carrying a compact size gun like the G19.

Yesterday, I was breaking in a new Don Hume H715-m WCS with an S&W 3913LS in the holster when my son and a friend stopped by to visit. Neither noticed that I was carrying under the long sleeve t-shirt I was wearing. I EDC with a similar style holster and have never had an issue.

This model of Don Hume holster which has the body shield is a well known concealed carry holster. Here is one for a Glock 19...

You will find the problem with concealed carry is finding the right carry position, holster, and the right clothes that work for you. Lands End Super T-Shirts (SS or LS), Duluth Trading or Carhartt are often mentioned as good choices. My wife gets me the LE Super Ts when they go on sale. I like the gray SS and different color LS Ts. In the hot, humid coastal North Carolina weather I wear a wife beater t tucked into my pants with a Super T untucked with great results.
Remember, the general public is totally oblivious to everything beyond their cell phone.

Printing really is irrelevant. If you still worry, by shirts with patterns or designs.
From my personal experience as a "big dude"...

It all depends on your body shape. If your torso is "carrot shaped" (widest at the top, tapers to waist), you can conceal pretty much anything in any position. Holsters are designed for you. Gravity will cause your shirt to drape naturally away from your waist, creating a space that your carry rig will disappear into.

If your torso (like mine) is more "pear shaped", then your shirt will naturally rest against your waist, and therefore on anything you've got attached to your belt. You may have to switch to IWB if you can't find a spot that works OWB and being fully concealed is important to you.

You also might consider a smaller gun if you must wear lightweight clothing. My "winter carry" is almost exactly the same dimensions as your G19, but due to the way my shirts hang, I can really only conceal it with a heavier/stiffer button-down shirt at minimum. I also have the subcompact model of my gun which is exactly the same size except for a shorter grip, and in the exact same holster it conceals fine under a t-shirt.

That's because the biggest problem is typically the butt of your grip sticking out. Try increasing the cant; sometimes a slightly different angle can make a big difference. Or, if you do go IWB, a "claw" or "wing" like the AIWB guys use can be very helpful even at 3-4:00 IWB, to pull the butt in toward your body more.

If all else fails, jar's point above isn't wrong; the likelihood of someone calling you out on a bulge at your waistband is pretty small. I personally like to be as discreet as possible because of where I live and work, though.
I have been carrying the M&P 340 for a couple of weeks. It’s very well concealed but I have still tried to be careful to not print (even worrying about a bulge) too much. You guys are right, 99% of people are so wrapped up in their own world they never even notice the next person let alone what they might be carrying. But I do worry about printing the larger Glock 19 as yesterday it was really obvious on my strong side. I worried I would be accused of shoplifting in a store and certainly didn’t want to deal with that explanation.

I haven’t changed the cant of the holster and didn’t know that would help with concealment. I thought it just helped with “the draw”ing technique. Maybe I should try to adjust the belt loops to add some cant.
The good advice has been given already, but I'd second some of it.

Try some other pancake style holsters. The two I would suggest trying are Galco Combat Master and Galco Concealable. The reason is the first is a "traditional" pancake style, and the second is a "forward molded" design that contours to the hip. For myself, the Combat Master works best, but I have a very different body type than yours. Another reason I recommend these Galco is because you can try them with Free Returns from the big online retailer. You'll either find one that works great, or you'll come to the conclusion that pancake holsters in kydex, leather, and in a substantial variety of different shapes just don't work for you and that you'll need to do something completely different like crossdraw, shoulder, IWB, pocket or ankle carry.

In Florida, besides larger shirt sizes, you can also wear unlined linen or cotton sport coats and jackets.

I second the idea that printing is not a big deal and that it goes unrecognized by most people and the people that do recognize it are the ones that are least likely to be alarmed. I would much rather print than intentionally or inadvertently open carry.
I'm also within an inch of your height, but heavier, and by enough that it would be noticeable if we stood side by side. I prefer a smaller pistol now, but I carried a G19 for about 3 years. I have a wide assortment of cover garments. Goodwill stores are good for those. I prefer an OWB leather pancake, at about 4:00. IOW, I hide the pistol behind my love handles. :D

I'll also join in on the notion about everyone and their dog having something hanging from their belt these days. Cell phones in particular, and some of those are big. I shamelessly stole a line from another member here (or maybe at THR?). If anyone asks what I have on my waist, I'll just tell them it's my colostomy bag. I figure that will cut off any further questions.

And if I'm accused of shoplifting, well ..... I don't know what your state law says, but I do know mine. The (accusing) merchant has a right to detain me. He does not have a right to search me. I'll just tell the merchant that I'll wait for the police, give them my CHCL, and we'll go from there.
Just recently received my CCW and purchased a Glock 19, ordered a Stealthgear Ventcore Flex OWB holster, a Kore essentials belt, and a couple of Eddie Bauer lightweight button-up shirts to use as cover.

The gear has arrived and I’ve tried on everything and with my Glock on my strong side I look like I’m trying to shoplift an encyclopedia. I was dumbfounded at how visible my Glock is even under the cover shirt. Strangely, I can conceal very well if I carry the Glock on my weak-side with the grip facing forward (cross draw).

I live in Florida so heavier or additional cover clothing isn’t really an option. I have a small S&W M&P 340 I can use via pocket carry but on days that weather cooperates I feel like a Glock is preferred over the 5 shot revolver. I’m over weight (5-11 and 235 lbs) with a belly and love handles that is probably the issue. Carrying AIWB is not an option - I’m not at all comfortable with that.

I’m not even sure what my question here is. Maybe just requesting any advice or suggestions. I’ve read several posts about the hazards of carrying in a cross draw posture but am I further ahead to do that with the Glock than going with the 340 via pocket carry? I kinda feel like the Glock 19 carried less than optimally is still better than a small revolver carried in my pocket holster, weather permitting.
Undoubtedly it's because of the holster. My son carries a Glock 45 in a Desantis IWB holster at 3 o'clock, I carry a Glock 26 with 15R G19 mag in a raven Vanguard and both work fine under a tshirt.

I am also .1 of a ton plus..same height.
As someone who is not much taller but certainly wider than the OP, I feel your concealment pain. As someone who lived in SW florida for several years, I understand the need to keep completely concealed while also staying comfortable enough. All of what follows is IWB focused.

Try as I might, I couldn't figure out how to get a pistol's grip not to print even with good gear until I moved closer to 3:00 than 4:00 (actually 8:00 - 9:00 since I'm southpaw). Anything further back allowed the corner of the grip to create a print point through my shirt (a simple over-length Tee or lightweight button down, over-sized of course).

I found that the thickness of the pistol made the biggest difference after finding the most concealing position on my strong side. After that a greater cant, more than the usual stock 15 degrees worked better.

To give some perspective - my glock 26 with a 19 mag pokes out just enough to create a print point right at the outside corner of the grip. I can minimize it by exact positioning on my belt line, but movement makes it show up. On the other hand, my little bit thinner glock 48 gives me more flexibility. So long as the holster/belt combo keeps the 48 grip against my side, at 20 degrees it's not printing.

For cover shirts - along with the usual eye-confusing pattern and darker colors recommendations, I have found that material makes a difference too. If you want thin, something made of athletic synthetic stuff seem to roll off the corner of the grip, so long as it is sized large enough to do that. If you prefer cotton shirts, thicker material seems to drape better and reduce the print point effect.

I recommend you look into strong side IWB carry with a thin kydex holster with a greater cant. My personal favorite maker for this is PJ holster. But for any carry type you want the gear combination to keep the grip against your side as tight as possible while not making you ratchet it down.
The holster gets good reviews so I suspect the culprit is your Kore Essential belt which is not a gun belt but a golf belt (?) according to the Amazon item description.

Also, the Eddie Bauer button-up shirt had a tailored look the last time I wore them and that will surely lend to the printing issue when you have an OWB holster.
I spent a couple hours adjusting and am going to post my solution in the hopes it will help anyone later who may have a similar problem, even if it represents a good bit of egg on my face.

90% of my issue, as some suggested, was lack of any holster cant. I adjusted the belt loops to provide some cant and also slid the holster back from the 3:00 position to 3:30 or 4:00 and I’m print free now. With my oversized unbuttoned casual shirts I could probably get away with a 1911 now with a similar holster and position. :)

Thank you to everyone who took the time to post and offer suggestions. It really was a huge help.
Glad you sorted it out....I've got a cpl thoughts on "Cant". For me, the amount of cant varies on where I'm carrying. Generally, I wear my holsters (OWB), at the 3:00 to 4:00 position.

At 3:00, virtually no cant is necessary to get a good, solid "firing grip" on the gun, as the angle of the grip to the barrel axis takes care of it, allowing a natural forearm to wrist angle. Hard to explain in print but easy to feel if it's wrong.

As I move the holster to the 4:00 position, additional cant built into the holster is necessary to allow a good grip on the gun while it's still holstered. Classes I've taken have stressed this point...get a firing grip on the gun while it's still in the holster as you don't want to be fumbling with it during the draw/presentation movement.

HTH's Rod