CCW weapon question


New member
I have finally obtained a carry permit for where I live and I must pick a weapon to put on the permit. I own three guns and wondered if any of you experienced guys had any helpful info or experience on which is best suited to carry. I would pick the one I shoot best but I feel that I them equally well. So here are the ones I own - HKP7M8,Glock 23,and an Ed Brown Class A Limited.
Everybody keeps coming out with a gun that is "almost as thin as a 1911." (Sig & Glock to name two.) Why carry something that is "almost as thin as a 1911," when you can carry a 1911? With either Wilson or Chip McCormick ultra thin grips, you won't find a more concealable gun than a 1911 compact! Select an alloy frame if you must, but I carry steel.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
I appreciate the reply but I have to choose among the guns I already own - the Glock 23,HKP7M8, or the Brown.
It's just my little ole' opinion, but I've been carrying legally for 3 years now, and I've gone through a LOT of guns to get here...

Your obvious choices (to me) are the HK and the Glock... One is thinner, one is lighter. Wear them both around the house for a few days, after work, on weekends, and see which one you notice more. Both are excellent pistols, both would serve you well.

Good luck!
My choice would be the HK.


Because I already carry an HK P7M13 and I LOVE IT.

Glocks are great guns, but not for me. They don't fit my hands worth a darn.
What state do you live in that you have to speccify and be limited to just one carry gun? I change mine to suit what I am wearing. i,e, suit goes with a 1911, golf shirt conceals a Glock 23, shirt tucked in goes with a Chief's special.

As for the gns you mentioned, I prefer a full size 1911, which may or may not be an option depending on how you normally dress. My Glock 23 has been with me for 10 years this past December and it has served me well. It has been my normal carry gun for years. I have no experience with the H&K.

Good luck choosing!
OK, so Im biased. I carry a Glock 23 and have been for years. Works great for me.

One thing to remember when you pick your rig, make sure you get a quality holster and belt. The belt is often overlooked,but is really important in the carry system.

As far as holsters, check out the Milt Sparks stuff. Really nice. I like the summer special.

Good Luck
I have an Alessi cqc/s for the P7 and a Kramer owb for the G23 and .45. Have a great belt from Sparks I use with all of them. The powers that be where I will carry, specify gun on the CCW and I have to go through a MAJOR pain to get the gun on the permit. If I carry concealed a gun which I have on my Target license, I violate my carry permit. Why this is, I do not know and the police that issue these permits barely understand some of the carry laws they enforce. Many times I get opposite answeres from them. Go figure. When I registered my HKP7, the detective inspecting it said she could NOT register it and wanted to know how I got it because it was on her list of banned guns. I ask to look at her list and she pointed to the following: HKMP5. I was at police headquarters for an entire afternoon trying to convince police detectives that the M8 that they were looking at and holding was not a machine gun.
I really like to shoot Glocks, but I don't carry them. I haven't been able to overcome the mental block of carrying a pistol essentially cocked w/ a round in the pipe w/ no safety. I know, I know, it's "safe-action." If you pull the trigger (relatively light and short) it still goes bang. So, I would prefer the P7. Nothing will put your mind to ease like that good 'ol squeeze cocker. I like the fact that when I put it down my pants, it's not cocked.

However, if you don't see that one small issue as a problem, then carry the Glock. Spare that beautiful HK all the nicks and dings as well as wear that comes along w/ carrying. The P7 might be small, but it will never be accused of being light. That G23 will serve you well for years to come, just like it has my father. As for me, make mine HK.

Oh, I almost forgot. If you're up to it (few people are) carry that big 'ol 45 hand-cannon! I've carried a full-sized 1911 before, but I'd never put it down as my only carry pistol. (The Ed Brown is full-size, right?)

J. Wise

P.S. Sar, where do you live? That sounds like an awful place to call home! Come to Texas, get out from under that oppression. You do live in the states, right?

Sounds like you're in Puerto Rico--or somewhere with exactly the same tortuous CCW laws and process.

Glocks and custom 1911's are superb guns, but I don't think they hold a candle to a P7 as a CCW. I'd go with the HK.
I am not in Puerto Rico but we do throw one heck of Puerto Rican day parade where I do live. I also live in city where if I have a target permit and leave my range without a trigger lock, I will get fined, loose my license and possible more. However,if I shoot a gun at a nightclub, flee the scene in my SUV and hide my gun under the floormat, I will receive no punishment. Seriously, we have had the police outside our range checking to see if licensed gun owners have a trigger lock on their guns. If they did not, the license was lost and guns taken away.I guess that is easier than looking for bad guys in the rougher parts of town.

Jwise, I might just do that. I have a buddy of mine from the NYPD who is now on the Arlington PD.

Gezzz Man..just move to somewhere else. I know..easier said than done. It sounds like its more than a pain to own much less carry a weapon. If you get this much flak over legally wanting to carry a weapon, think of the legal problems if you ever have to shoot someone!

As for the MP5 fiasco, the precinct you are in must really be idiots. You should have had them call one of the special response team members in to explain just what the hell an MP5 is.

If ya insist on living would choose the Glock over the HK. The Glock is lighter and more resistant to sweat, and trust me, you will literally be able to see sweat dripping off your weapon on a super hot summer day. The Glock is a bit more of a workhorse of a gun, and if you have to replace it, much cheaper than your beloved HK.

Good Shooting, or in your case..I hope ya never have to