CCW revolver desicision


New member
I need some advice on some models of revolver to purchase. Here's my criteria:

- I'm gonna use it mainly as a pocket carry gun. Not to say I'll never carry it IWB but mainly I'm looking to use it as a replacement for a .22 that I pocket carry sometimes.

- I think .357/.38 is my limit on caliber. Maybe 9mm.

- It needs to be bearable to shoot. I like to practice alot with my carry peices, so I don't want something that's going to kill my hand after 50 rounds.

- Weight is not really an issue.

- Finish is not really an issue.

- 5 or 6 round capacity.

- Somewhere in a $150 - $300 price range. I'll buy used so we'll call that a used price.

Any ideas?
Looks like a Taurus SS J frame gun meets your criteria. Or a used SW 640. Both are at the upper end of your price range.

However, if you shoot 50 rounds of 357, your hand will hurt.
A new S&W 642-2 can still be found in the $325 --> $350 range. I'm not sure about used prices, but they should be well within in your price range.


Good Luck...

pocket carry

S&W 642 or S&W 442....both are awsome guns. The 642 is stainless whereas the 442 is blue and about $60.00 to $70.00 more.

Also Kel-tec has a .380 that is very concealable, but beware . You may be the one in six that has to send it back for malfunction problems. Also, it is not a revolver.
Consider a S&W K frame ,such as the model 19 or 66. Both are 357 ,so you can practice with 38. They are both very light ,with the right grips they are concealable as anything else. All of mine have been extremely accurate as well as reliable. They are fairly common and may be had at a reasonable price as well .Good luck with your search. Regards 18DAI.
I bought a 40yo airweight S&W Model 38 for $200. Those little wood stocks it came with killed my hand, but a pair of longer, rubber grips that cover the backstrap took care of that.

'Course, I hadda have a laser in mine, so there's another $175 I added to the price, but hey.. ;)
Any of the Taurus .357 models would be great. Inexpensive and reliable. My 605 has been perfect, though like most I ususally shoot .38 +p and leave .357 for some firewords displays at the range or when I'm up in the mountains.

If weight is not an issue, the steel J-frames are much easier on your hand during practice. But they can drag yer britches down as you walk!

The lightweight/airweight guns are good for carry, but you have to enjoy self-abuse (not that kind!) to shoot them much.

I'll put in a recommendation that not many people might agree with here. You might consider one of these:


S&W Model 432 .32 H&R Magnum - 6 shots, less than 15 oz.

Low recoil, light weight, six shots, snag-free draw.
I would recommend the Ruger SP101 even though it's a bit too big for pocket carry. I have carried it in my pocket before. The good news is the gun was concealed, the bad news is it was so dang heavy it exposed my boxers to everyone. All kidding aside, if you want to have a revolver that you can carry and shoot a lot, take a look at one of these. This gun is heavier and more robust than the J-frames. It can take a lot of abuse.

A Taurus J frame will do you very well. The SS versions at 21 onces can be concealed IWB very easy and comfortable, if you plan to pocket carry go for one of the various lighter versions of the same revo.
I own the 851SS humpback 38 spl, you can practice all you want, at 21 onces recoil is no problem. I have no complains on Taurus revolvers to date.

Thanks alot! I've got alot to go and research.

Seems like S&W has got the most votes. I guess it'll come down to what I can find locally.
A snub .38 would seem to be the best bet. I don't particularly care for J-Frames but if that's what floats your boat go for it. I personally would prefer a 2" K-Frame .38 or Ruger SP101 .357. Of course if you can find one, a Colt Detective Special or one of its variations (Cobra, Agent, etc.) would be a very fine defensive piece indeed.