ccw reciprocity in Las Vegas


New member
I am considering taking my Firearm to Las Vegas. As my permit is honored n NV. My google research tells me , Hotels and Casino will not allow you to bring a firearm on the premises. Even though it is totally legal to do so. If you refuse to abide by their rules. you will be trespassed off the property. Could someone comment on this from personal experience . Thank you

I lived in Vegas for about 10 years. You are absolutely correct. The signs outside all the Casinos that say “no firearms allowed” carry no force of law.

They are the property owners wishes. If you are found to be carrying, you will be asked to leave. Comply with that request and no legal action will follow. Places with metal detectors ARE illegal to carry into.

Dont try to carry into the T-mobil arena for a concert for example.
This post isn't going to help you much but I'm feeling rather loquacious (word of the day) today so I'll tell you what this means in Minnesota.

I still remember our concealed carry "debate" in our state legislature which had, and I am not making this up, opponents of concealed carry reform donning one of those bomb squad vests with the high neck ring before speaking out against allowing concealed carry in the state. Because, you know, "the streets would run red", we would have wild west shootouts on the mall, and gun violence would reign over the whole metropolitan Minneapolis/St. Paul landscape.

The anti-gunners were particularly perplexed over the issue of what would happen if a CC holder wandered into a "Gun Free" establishment.

They were absolutely gob-smacked that if a CC holder DID wander into a "Gun Free" establishment that the owner would have to ask the CC holder to leave and if the CC holder DID leave then NOTHING WOULD BE DONE TO THEM!!! That is, normal Minnesota trespass laws would apply.

It was obvious they wanted a CC holder that entered a "Gun Free" zone to be stripped of all their rights and sent to prison on the spot.

Many legislators proclaimed loudly that they would NEVER patronize an establishment that DID NOT have "Gun Free" zone signage in place and that they were shocked/appalled/horrified that a CC holder WITH A GUN could enter a "Gun Free" establishment WITH THEIR GUN and only be asked to leave the premises.

Since the relaxed CC has passed (many years ago) the streets have NOT run red and CC holders have NOT staged regular shoot outs in the city square and there has NOT been a problem with CC holders refusing to vacate "Gun Free" zones.

(And I suspect all of the legislators who righteously proclaimed they would never patronized a business that was NOT a "Gun Free" establishment have patronized MANY of them since a lot of businesses just ignored the hubbub and never posted.)

My advice, if they don't allow you to carry, put it away and don't carry. Their space, their rules.
If you desire to abide by the law and wishes of proprietors, to the letter, stay away from the strip and abide by posted signs.

If you believe there is some "flexibility" available...
Concealed is concealed. But, if asked to leave an establishment, do so without resistance.

Keep in mind, however, that people don't often get robbed or attacked inside Casinos. You're at risk of that outside. Inside, they rob you in front of your face, after you willingly offer your money for the taking.

The strip is pretty safe.
A ~10 block buffer zone around the strip, not so much.
The outskirts of the city, pretty safe.
Stay on the strip, or far from it. ...Whether or not you decide to CC.