CCW Question

old jeff

New member
I'm struggling with this and am interested in other thoughts and opinions.

The obvious advantage is being able to legally carry.

My major concern is getting on an active database as having one would seem to be a direct flag pointing to me as having at least one handgun as well as other firearms. You know, something like the Katrina incident where New Orleans actually seized personal weapons. Yes, What they did was wrong. But the fact is they did it. I believe that many folks did not get their property back and were not compensated either.


Can it happen again? Yes, I think so. Doesn't matter if there's a violation of the Second amendment rights of the People. If the Federal, State or local authorities decide to seize firearms wouldn't a CCW database be a primary tool?

Has anyone thought about this? Am I wrong in my thinking? Who do you trust?
Stands to reason that it could be utilized that way. Same deal with filing a 4473 for a new purchase - that paperwork goes somewhere.
Not a conspiracy theorist by any means, OK, maybe by some means, but anything is possible.

Although, what use is having a firearm and the right to bear it, if the powers that be can simply come to your door and command you to hand it over or go to jail, in which case they just take it anyways.
I would still get the CCW permit and if due to whatever "emergency" the state was to do a New Orleans type of thing you can still sue them out of existance (or as close to it as you can get) in court after its over.
This is not a handguns issue. It is more a law and CR issue.


Also, the story is quite old and there has been legislation, IIRC regarding such.

So if we want to more than just decry such possibilities, someone should update on such developments.
I hear you. It is a concern. But to me the benefits of having a CCW permit (and being "on the books") outweigh any negatives. Most valuable choices in life are a trade-off... I like my CCW permit a lot and have no regrets about it.
Same deal with filing a 4473 for a new purchase - that paperwork goes somewhere.

It stays right with the FFL for 20 years and then they can trash it.
If the license terminates BEFORE 20 years is up it goes to BATFE.

The bound book lives forever at the FFL or BATFE when the license is terminated.

The appropriation for BATFE prohibits them from computerizing any of the records in their possession form surrendered FFLs.
it is acres of file cabinets.
Or if you bought ammo with a credit card, or filled out a card for your local range, or joined the NRA, or filled out a 4473 form to buy a gun or posted on a pro-gun forum..... ;)

If you are the big brother type, assume that the gov't knows you have a gun either way, but I've found that having my CCW license far out weights any potential end of times / SHTF scenarios.
but I've found that having my CCW license far out weights any potential end of times / SHTF scenarios.

+1, I've never had to use my gun, but I never want to be in a situation where I would need one, and its in the safe at home
I think you should do it. I just went through the class and we hit on this subject a bit. It doesnt matter if you get your ccw once you purchased a gun legally then the state,local and other agencies already know you have it. If you dont do it legally then your going to get a fire arms felony if caught with the gun in public.

Do it legally and just get the ccw. If your ever in a situation that you have to use a gun(lets pray that no one here has to) if you followed the law and got a ccw its a lot less (baring you were the one instigating the situation) likely you will get the ax.
handgunfan101 said:
It doesnt matter if you get your ccw once you purchased a gun legally then the state,local and other agencies already know you have it. If you dont do it legally then your going to get a fire arms felony if caught with the gun in public.
In a lot of states a face-to-face transfer with no government involvement is absolutely legal - no government agency will know it took place.
My major concern is getting on an active database as having one would seem to be a direct flag pointing to me as having at least one handgun as well as other firearms. You know, something like the Katrina incident where New Orleans actually seized personal weapons. Yes, What they did was wrong. But the fact is they did it. I believe that many folks did not get their property back and were not compensated either.

My family was hit by hurricane Katrina and then hurricane Rita, we had no power for 7 days and fortunately I had a longstanding survival plan.

But as far as your question: I have a theory I call the lazy people theory.

I worked for a military headquarters (Brigade, Warrior Brigade) in Louisiana that was heck bent that we would be in the field no less than 2 weeks out of a month for most of the year. What I noticed quickly after week after week is that 99% of people (even very in shape people) were unwilling to walk an extra 50 feet to find a clean porta potty.

I found the same applies to most everything.......

The government could announce your gun ownership on every kind of media but it wouldn’t matter even to most anti gunners or anyone else as the very act of acknowledging you as a gun owner would take too much effort for most people to spend effort on..
Don H you are correct. What i was referring to was if your state requires (most do) you to register your handgun at the local police department and or sheriffs department. My brother in-law has a friend who works at the local sheriffs office (nice guy and a true believer in the 2nd amend) and he registers handguns and is a Notary. They have too keep a hard copy of all registers for a given time but they are all placed into a database. Not sure who all can see the info in there but it really doesnt bother me im not really into BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING thing
Well in theory just by making this post 'they' now know you are a gun owner and are on the list... Only logical solution is to just get the permit and not worry too much about it.

My theory is if the day ever comes when 'they' decide to come for the guns... they really won't stop there... History shows that they will actually just come for the gun owners and pick up the guns afterwards. It has happened many times before....
handgunfan101 said:
Don H you are correct. What i was referring to was if your state requires (most do) you to register your handgun at the local police department and or sheriffs department.
I'm going to call you on the registration issue.

I am fully aware that some states require registering handguns. I have absolutely NO indication that the number of such states even approaches "most." If I'm missing something, please cite statistics to support your statement. Which states require handgun owners to register their gun(s) with the local PD of Sheriff?