CCW Poll - Please Vote!!

The question is "Should laws be reformed to make carrying a concealed weapon easier?"
YES 98%
NO 2%

Talk about one sided! But, I wonder if this poll will pull the disappearing act so many others have?
It is obvious that someone turned their cookies off and ran up the score, but I don't think that is a bad thing since the antis due the same thing.

I live in Detroit and the other big news station did a phone-in poll with much the same question and they got over 70% for not reforming our socialist gun boards.

The ccw reform bills quietly passed the house last week and passed the senate today, but the antis and the communistic media have gotton to our great politions and most are saying that due to the recent school shootings that this legislation will probably be put back into the commitees until the summer bread, then all will be forgotten when the next sesecion meets, this was our best chance in Michigan of getting a nondiscrimitive ccw system, I don't think that we will get it this year or any other year.

I usually correct my spelling, but I gotta go to bed.
Well the anti's are definitely winning on this poll now!

The NO's went from 22 to almost 4000 in less than 15 minutes!!!!!

Michael K - NRA, MCRGO
it is 33% for and 67% against with about 9,000 votes cast. Hmmm....

Wonder what the vote about blacks sitting in the back of the bus would have been back then, or about Jews moving up the chimney, in 1942...
Very odd..

Now its: 63% No
37% Yes
Total votes=5713

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Frankly, I'm quite sick of these polls. To me they are not productive, and we already know they are slanted and fixed.

"Stamp out and get rid of redundancy!"


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Yes, I've never seen one of these polls used to good purpose--or, for that matter, to any purpose. I suspect that when they contradict media groupthink, as they usually do, they are simply discarded as of no propaganda value. OTOH, I still vote in them, just to keep them from being skewed.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited May 27, 1999).]
I'm going to watch channnel 7 news tonight and see if they quote their poll, if they do I'm going to "let them have it" with a barrage of emails. Any poll that is so unscientific that anyone could manipulated should not be quoted one way or the other.
As of noon 5/27/99, it at 51% yes, 49% no, with 13,976 total votes recorded. Let's get to it.

My personal theory is that every poll that is decidedly pro-gun that "disappears" is one less poll that is decidedly anti-gun that the leftist media can parade across the nightly news and special anti-gun articles in their rags.

I'll check again tonight in cookies-off stealth mode.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Nick: It's not as bad as all that for CCW in Michigan; It did pass, after all, with about 2/3rds of the Senate, in the middle of a vicious propaganda campaign. There's room for some drop off, and one thing Michigan politicans know all to well; We Michigan gun owners can be REALLY vengeful with politicians who cross us, and we DON'T forget a slight. The thing to do is start calling the people who voted for it, and warning them that we won't give a tinker's damn whether they voted for it in the first place, if they let it die.
Yea, I've been in contact with the reps and senators, not only my own but an article from yesterdays free press has some disturbing news coming from our governor.

Heres the story:

Heres big Johns quotes:
But Gov. John Engler said Wednesday he doesn't expect the Legislature to complete work on the package anytime soon. He declined to comment on whether he would sign the concealed weapons bills passed by either the House or Senate.

Engler privately has told Republican lawmakers they should rethink whether to forge ahead with a pro-gun initiative in light of recent highly publicized school shootings such as the massacre in Littleton, Colo, people familiar with the negotiations said. Recent polls show growing public sentiment for tighter gun controls.

"You could certainly say the timing is open to misinterpretation ...and some people will play politics with it," Engler said Wednesday.
Geez, gang...
Do you really think that these guys are above flat-out lying if it will help them achieve their goals? Do you expect the media to deal with these issues honestly? Or the politicans? I really think you're kidding yourselves. The only polls that count are the membership in pro-gun organizations, and the number of $$$ that we send them. Polls are generally just a form of masturbation - feels ok, but accomplishes very little!

Shoot carefully... swifter...
I was beginning to think like John about these polls...waste of time, etc. Then today, on the Limbaugh and then Liddy shows, both of them brought up the Time poll and how the citizenry obviously doesn't believe like the media keeps telling us.

Point being, now the concept of these BS polls is being discussed, along with the disappearing polls.

So, I figger, doesn't take much of my time and so I'll take them . These BS artists can't keep this censorship and cooked results
up much longer.

Lock and load

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I agree with the fact that these polls are a joke. However, whenever I get a chance, I disable my cookies and put in a couple of hundred votes. Although it could be considered wrong and dishonest, the way I look at it, I'm helping to make up for the antis that do the same thing. Besides, I kinda look at it as voting for the gun owners that have no access to the Internet.

"Society is well governed when the people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the laws." - Solon

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited May 28, 1999).]
Bulldog, ;)

The same way I tend to give memberships in pro-RKBA organizations as gifts for birthdays, Christmas, etc.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.