CCW Permit and Getting Pulled Over By LEO


New member
I just applied for my CCW permit here in Georgia. The probate clerk said it will be mailed to me within 7 days. I had to answer 12 questions, get finger printed and pay a $40 fee. Took me 20 minutes.

I have been studying the CCW laws in my state as well as the states I frequently travel such as Florida. I want to make sure that I do not break the law and that has brought me to this question...

For you guys that have a CCW, when you guys get pulled over for a traffic violation, and you are carrying a concealed weapon, do you declare this to the officer? Is that of any value? Is it required in your state? Is it none of his/her business?

Thanks for your time.
For you guys that have a CCW, when you guys get pulled over for a traffic violation, and you are carrying a concealed weapon, do you declare this to the officer? Is that of any value? Is it required in your state? Is it none of his/her business?
Whether required or not, it is always a good idea to hand over your permit with your license.
In Texas it's the law...if you're carrying you must handover your CHL with your DL. However has PP said, it's always a good idea to hand it over with your DL no matter what the state law is.
In VA, your status as a VA CHP holder comes up when they run your plate before getting out of the car. So it's more a matter of they are going to assume you are carrying as they approach.

Back before we became a shall issue state, a friend that carried told me his tactic if he was carrying was to simply put both hands out the window until the officer approached and asked why. Then he'd inform the officer he had a gun in the car, and that way the officer knew, plus as the officer approached, it was plainly obvious he didn't have to worry this person might shoot him, seeing as his hands were outside the car :) Think he said he got off once with a warning because he'd done that too. it's been over 20 years, so I don't recall the whole story, but always remembered it. I've contemplated doing the same thing if i get pulled over now that I carry.
In South Carolina a declaration of weapons possession is required at a traffic stop. We're working to eliminate that, but at the moment it is the law.

I believe you can get a New Hampshire non-resident permit to expand the states in which you can legally carry, but I think SC only recognizes resident licences with which reciprocity has been arranged, unfortunately that does not include Georgia.
I believe you can get a New Hampshire non-resident permit to expand the states in which you can legally carry, but I think SC only recognizes resident licences with which reciprocity has been arranged, unfortunately that does not include Georgia.

Yeah, I noticed that about SC. That is really odd. The people in SC are typically very much like Georgians. You would think the two states would have reciprocity. I believe it has to do with stronger restrictions in SC rather than in GA.
In South Carolina a declaration of weapons possession is required at a traffic stop. We're working to eliminate that, but at the moment it is the law.

Why? I may be againt the majority here but I am fine with it.

To the idea of running your plate to see if you have a CWP, how does that work when I am driving my wife's car or she is driving mine. Or how about driving a company car. Sounds a little dumb to me.
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To the idea of running your plate to see if you have a CWP, how does that work when I am driving my wife's car oe she is driving mine. Or how about driving a company car. Sounds a little dumb to me.

Sounds like typical government.
I just have to remind you guys... I DESPISE California. Can't wait to get back home to SC!!!! How can you tantalize me like this!?
Yeah, that's how I felt about CA, I lived there for 13 years. Returned a bit over 2 years ago, wonderful feeling. Hope you can hold out. There's lots of good people out there, but not enough to run things anymore. I expect the state to finally split up as the good folks that have family ties there, resettle ever northward and westward in the state, leaving the leftist hot spots to fend for themselves. That will generate enough votes to split the state into two or three smaller states. I give it another 20 years of resettlement and immigration tops.

I think that the cops can run your DL and the CWP will pop up, I doubt the plates on the car would be a key. They might run that automatically to see if it's currently taxed and not stolen.

In SC, the CWP looks very similar to a DL, I could accidentally hand it to them instead of my DL.
was to simply put both hands out the window until the officer approached

Why do what the inner city youth do? I certainly wouldn't act like some always-under-suspicion low-life if I'm not.

No declaration required in WA, and I wouldn't do it. It complicates what should be a simple interaction.
FireMax said:
For you guys that have a CCW, when you guys get pulled over for a traffic violation, and you are carrying a concealed weapon, do you declare this to the officer?

In GA you are not required/compelled by law to advise the officer of your permit.

If you have a gun in plain view, or if you have it in an exposed holster, I would advise you to tell the officer BEFORE he discovers it on his own.

If you have it concealed, or stowed away, then it's up to you.

Keep your hands on the steering wheel until the LEO advises otherwise. But if you have to reach in your back pocket for your wallet and DL, and you have a hip holster in about the same location, the LEO can believe you're reaching for your gun. This is another reason if your gun is not concealed or stowed it's in YOUR best interests to advise the LEO.
For me, it doesn't matter if the state requires you to inform or not... If I get stopped by LEO for a simple traffic stop or whatever the reason being, I'm going to go ahead and let him know I've got a weapon and permit on me.

I'd rather willfully tell him and let him know I'm a good honest person rather than him spot a handle when I carry cross draw and reach for something. If he spots the gun before you tell him about it, you're likely to wind up with his service pistol in your ear until he figures out your intent...:eek:
My son is an LEO in Western WA, and he and his fellow officers say that they would prefer NOT to know that you have a concealed weapon, in most cases.

I'm talking here about a simple traffic stop.
My son is an LEO in Western WA, and he and his fellow officers say that they would prefer NOT to know that you have a concealed weapon, in most cases.
This is a first for me to hear.

What is their reasoning to not want to be aware of a potential threat?
This is a first for me to hear.

What is their reasoning to not want to be aware of a potential threat?

ignorance is bliss???

To the idea of running your plate to see if you have a CWP, how does that work when I am driving my wife's car or she is driving mine. Or how about driving a company car. Sounds a little dumb to me.
yes, in VA, your CHP status is available when the officer runs your PLATES. If you're driving a car not your own, of course they aren't going to know. But the flip side is, if your wife is driving YOUR car, they'll suspect she's carrying. It's actually sort of annoying, glad I haven't been pulled over since getting my permit. The law is not obviously to check if you are legal to carry, it's to inform the officers before they exit their car that the person they've pulled over may have a gun. So obviously, if in my car, they'll be approaching apprehensively and the first question is gonna be, "Sir, are you carrying today?". So if I put my hands in plain view the whole time, they'll pretty much know the answer before they reach my window :)

Why do what the inner city youth do? I certainly wouldn't act like some always-under-suspicion low-life if I'm not.
never heard that or seen that. then again, I'm not typically in an inner city, low life area like SE DC. I'm way off in the suburbs. Never heard of anyone putting their hands out the window, other than the old friend who stated he would do. And, as I said, that was before VA has shall carry laws, so perhaps it was a bigger issue then. Now there isn't any actual law to inform them, although they'll suspect you are if you are in your car as stated above.

What is their reasoning to not want to be aware of a potential threat?

Number one, he says that if you are carrying legally, they don't consider you a potential threat. Most of them consider you to be one of the good guys, and the fact you are carrying is really none of their business.

Secondly, one of his fellow officers was stopped by the WSP. He was in the process of handing the trooper his CWP, and showed his weapon in his waistband at the same time. He had his wife and kid in the car with him. The trooper saw the gun first and panicked. He leaned into the car and tried to grab the gun. It didn't discharge, and things got calmed down, but the situation could have been disastrous.

Lastly, my son said that some LEOs do not believe anyone other than themselves should be armed. There have been cases where a simple traffic stop turned into a big pi**ing contest, where the cop was just a bully.

Not required...But when Arkansas plates and DL are run it pops up anyway...I see no harm in declaring in the beginning...And I do keep my hands in plain view at all times no matter what State I'm in.