CCW list used improperly


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Mods feel free to move as I did not know where this was appropriate to post.

Ramsey County, MN sheriff used the CCW list in his county to solicite fundraising money. Offering card holders to shoot at indoor county LEO range asking them to donate 150 bucks for charities. I believe this is a wrongful use of his position and the list of CCW holders.
I'd look into any privacy laws regarding CC permits in MN.

Sounds like a pretty good deal though.:D
Offering card holders to shoot at indoor county LEO range asking them to donate 150 bucks for charities
What is the going rate for a membership at other ranges? May not be such a bad deal.

asking them to donate 150 bucks for charities.

There just asking, they are not telling. After all, it's all for charity.

Getting together and talking with other CCWs sounds like a good time if I wasn't so cheap. They probably have door prize's and food.
Technically, maybe it was wrong.... but I think I'd give 'em the $150

and go shoot... I know some will see if different but heck you are making the sheriff happy and helping out a good cause.
That’s not as bad as what a paper here in Indiana did.
They were known as an anti gun promoter and they put all the Concealed carry permits names and addresses in the paper for the county.
I was VERY glad I did not live in that county.
If you want to read the story, write to the editor telling him of your anger or contacting advertisers to the paper you can find all that information in the story at the address listed below.
I wrote to the editor and got a very “You are just a gun nut” response.
Indiana: The Herald-Times Online Thinks Gun Owners are Stupid, Paranoid, and Easily Manipulated!

Ozzieman... I think I just blew a gasket! That is BULL!! What is wrong with these jerks?? I don't even know where to begin with that. I'm PO'd and I don't even live in Indiana!

Geez... Public record or not, I think having a concealed weapons permit should allow us to keep it CONCEALED! If we wanted to advertise... We'd OPEN CARRY!:mad:

Sorry, OP. Didn't mean to hijack... I do feel a small twinge seeing that the SO used the list improperly, but I do want to help others when I can. And who wouldn't enjoy shooting on a range your tax $$ paid for?
Maybe they could do a comparison study, or a survey of burglars caught, and see if having a gun in the home, or a CCW deterred any crime.

Of course they would never publish the results of the survey, unless they could find a way to turn the data in their favor.

I understand this is a public record, but does it have to be published? I think the records should be sealed just like they do when a Juvenile is arrested. (I know it is two different things, but...)

Geez, just thinking about this, a juvenile has more privacy if he commits a crime than a law abiding citizen...
The kind of shenanigans that Ozzieman speaks of are indeed happening - here in Oregon most of our sheriff's have moved to keep CCL holder information private but are being challenged in court to release the information as public record. Started with a newspaper filing an FOI request for a list of CCLs issued (and being refused).
Virginia CCW list:
A couple of years ago our locak newspaper dowloaded the entire CCW member list and put it on the web for everybody to download and/or view.
That year our legislature made it a crime to make the list public or use the list.
If someone in in virginia were to use the list to solicite money they would quicklu end up in jail/prison.
Ramsey County, MN sheriff used the CCW list in his county to solicite fundraising money. Offering card holders to shoot at indoor county LEO range asking them to donate 150 bucks for charities. I believe this is a wrongful use of his position and the list of CCW holders.

According to MN DPS, the information is NOT public record and so it would appear to be an inappropriate use of the information unless somehow the event was sponsored by the state or the granting agency or is allowable by law.

Yup. That sounds like grounds for a lawsuit to me.
Somebody was somehow damaged by the solicitation? Just because somebody does something wrong does not always mean that there needs to be a lawsuit or that a lawsuit is even valid.
Even if it's not a misuse of public information etc etc isn't that a violation of McCain-Feingold or other campaign finance laws? I know here in Michigan (can't remember if it's a federal or state law that prevents this) a Sheriff was put into hot water for posing for a picture that went into campaign literate that had him wearing a radio that was bought for the department with federal funds. Even if you're in the SO you can't use your title when running for office (ie: you can't say "Elect Lieutenant Smith for XXXX" because it's a misuse of taxpayer dollars (your salary). This may or may not apply here but it's another avenue to look into if you're that mad about it. Personally I might take the offer :p
Maybe I am confused. The sheriff sent notices to the permit holders and offered a day at the range if they made a donation to charity?

If that's true then the only release of information was to the permit holders themselves. The information wasn't sold to someone or published, they used the list to offer the day at the range to people that have permits to carry. So, they sent you a letter telling you that you have a permit to carry? So what? The permit holders already know, I hope. :rolleyes:And asking to donate to charity doesn't violate campaign laws, that I am aware of.
The problem is that the sheriff used information which is not public, for something which is not included in his job description. He only has access to that information because he is the sheriff, but the use of the information had nothing to do with his duties as sheriff.

The point is that he used the information in a way he wasn't supposed to, he is well known as not being friendly to permit holders and he was not trying to do permit holders a favor. How else is he using this information in a way he wasn't supposed to?
Conn. Trooper said:
And asking to donate to charity doesn't violate campaign laws, that I am aware of.

Not necessarily the finance portion but rather the misuse of information or things procured as a result of an official position. Like the example in my post, you can't use certain things/say certain things in campaigns because of laws like that. I was merely suggesting that if the OP is really outraged about it that one possible avenue is laws such as these (for instance, maybe when they go to the range the candidate is there and starts asking for donations, endorsements etc).

And again, I think the gesture is actually quite nice (depending on certain things). I would probably go. The story about the list being printed in the papers infuriates me to no end, though.
i am in Indiana and know of the listing on the papers web site listing people who have a ccw on any street in that town (they decided to block out name and address but still list by street). they wanted to post mane and address but got so much bad feedback they changed it. what a crock. the sherriff calling and asking for donations to use the leo range is not bad if he was calling everyone, but if he singled out ccw holders then he was not including people who lve in his jurisdiction and don't have a ccw.may upset some people but depends on the state and county or local laws on the ccw apps. this my be handled at a county board meeting but not sure if any other recourse would work if info is public.