CCW laws in Louisiana?


New member
can anyone provide me with some of the laws regarding the CCw permit in louisiana? What Im curious about are things like what do you do when pulled over by the police? After I take the instruction course, am I able to receive the permit or is that a judgement call by the local pd? I spend alot of time driving from one side of the state to the other , mostly nights, although i do carry in my vehicle, I would like to get the permit.
Any help would be appreciated----Cuz
LA is a "shall issue" state. In other words, assuming you meet all necessary qualifications, they can't deny you.
It's also my understanding that in any interaction with the police you are required to inform them that you have a permit and that you are armed.
Cuz, you also have "reciprosity" here in Texas, as do we with La.


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