CCW, it's been asked a million times.


New member

It's the mother of all newbie questions. How do I go about obtaining my concealed carry permit?

Last week has convinced me to pursue this subject with a little more zeal than, "It'd be nice to have." (See "Too cautious or paraniod" in Tactics and Training)

Anyway, I'm getting ready to turn 22 in a couple of weeks, so legal ownership of a handgun is no issue here. I live in Delaware and have heard that getting a CCW can be a downright pain in the butt to get depending on the political leanings of the issuing authority.

So who is the issuing authority in Delaware, and how do I start the ball rolling on the application process?

I've already got what I plan on carrying, my High Power, so all I need is the permit, some good leather, and I'll be good to go.

Issuing Authority: Prothonotary of Superior Court

a) A person of full age and good moral character desiring to be licensed to carry a concealed deadly weapon for personal protection or the protection of the person's property may be licensed to do so when the following conditions have been strictly complied with:

(1) The person shall make application therefore in writing and file the same with the Prothonotary of the proper county, at least 15 days before the then next term of the Superior Court, clearly stating that the person is of full age and that the person is desirous of being licensed to carry a concealed deadly weapon for personal protection or protection of the person's property, or both, and also stating the person's residence and occupation;

(2) At the same time the person shall file, with the Prothonotary, a certificate of 5 respectable citizens of the county in which the applicant resides at the time of filing the application. The certificate shall clearly state that the applicant is a person of full age, sobriety and good moral character, that the applicant bears a good reputation for peace and good order in the community in which the applicant resides, and that the carrying of a concealed deadly weapon by the applicant is necessary for the protection of the applicant or the applicant's property, or both. The certificate shall be signed with the proper signatures and in the proper handwriting of each such respectable citizen;

(3) Every such applicant shall file in the office of the Prothonotary of the proper county the application verified by oath or affirmation in writing taken before an officer authorized by the laws of this State to administer the same, and shall under such verification state that the applicant's certificate and recommendation were read to or by the signers thereof and that the signatures thereto are in the proper and genuine handwriting of each. Prior to the issuance of an initial license the person shall also file with the Prothonotary a notarized certificate signed by an instructor or authorized representative of a sponsoring agency, school, organization or institution certifying that the applicant (1) has completed a firearms training course..........
Also your name will most likely be published in the local papers if you apply for a permit.
Thanks for the help,

Just got back from and was most dissapointed with the ammount of states that honor Delaware's permit. If there's universal reciprocity with driver's licenses, it should be the same with ccw's.

For some reason I remember this being brought up in a criminal justice class. Even the professor said that this was not in compliance with the constitution! A professor who isn't a liberal, how refreshing.

Are there any groups in the middle of lobbying for some sort of universal reciprocity legislation?

Kilroy, I wanna be able to carry anywhere in the U.S., was here

Short of a national preemption of Gun Control Laws (including Carry Laws) by the Federal Government, don't look forward to universal carry in the US. Even if such a law was passed, look forward to the states challenging under provisions of the 10th amendment.

Best we could hope for is a "model concealed carry law" that would be adopted by the individual states. Consistent background checks and training requirements would then lead to reciprocity. Some states leadership have their heads so far up the "exhaust pipe" they will never pass a law that allows for easier legal carry, no matter how much sense it makes.

May you live long enough to see this change. Most of us will never see the day.