CCW Insurance


We have come up with a policy specifically tailored to holders of concealed carry licenses.
It is by far the best coverage you can currently purchase.
Although it is available in selected states, we hope to broaden as time goes on.
We would be interested in your thoughts and comments.
Full details are available at
I think it's a bad idea the Obamanation may see it and mandate it and some people who CCW CANNOT afford it.
I wish you well but most homeowner or business insurance will cover the owner in justified incedent.
freakshow10mm said:
My umbrella policy already covers that.

That would be very odd if it did. I used to sell the stuff (P&C Insurance) and none of it ever covered intentional acts which self defense is. I could be wrong but I would check again if I were you.

A quick glance at the coverage shows this might be a good start. But one question: is there any reimbursement for legal fees that result in the DA deciding not to press charges? It's possible to rack up quite a bill even without the expense of a trial and a "not guilty" verdict.

Looking at the policy, it appears that the purchaser would pay all of the fees for criminal defense and then be reimbursed up to the limits of the policy if:

A) They pled not guilty; and
B) Were not convicted

So from a practical side, my first concern would be "Can I afford to get to a not guilty verdict and then wait for reimbursement?" Pax also brought up a good point about legal assistance prior to any indictment or criminal charges.

On the civil side, I see less benefit. If you are convicted in criminal court, you get no coverage. If you are not convicted, then most states have laws that limit or prohibit such suits. So the benefit would primarily be limited to covering the costs of having an attorney show up at summary judgment and point out you were acquitted/never charged or paying legal fees in those few states that still lack such laws.

A lot would depend on how much the policy cost.
freakshow10mm said:
My umbrella policy covers acts of lawful self defense.

One more question. Does your coverage include defense costs for civil AND criminal (you are indicted) costs? You got me to checking and my umbrella indeed covers defense costs for civil liability but not criminal.
If found to be a justifiable shoot, no civil case can be brought against me. Coverage is for legal council for criminal defense. The premium is higher for criminal defense because criminal council charges more than civil defense council.
Who is underwriting this?

As stated in their advertisement:

Coverage provided 100% by Underwriters at Lloyds, London)

Value really depends on price. At $10/month, maybe this is worth it. As I have been carrying 22 years, having been insured would have cost me about $2,500. At $100/month, that would be about $25,000 for the past 22 years. Not worth it.
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I am going to try to take this one at a time as you have asked some very good questions:
Freakshow - "self defense" yes - what about defense of others - wife family, kids?
Pax - covers "lawful use of a legally possessed firearm"
Bartholomew - it is illegal to insure criminal acts, however if you have an insurance policy for criminal defense - one the lawyer is more motivated to get a not guilty and you are not stuck with a public defender coupled with the fact that if he thinks he has a good case, he might take the policy in lieu a retainer ($25,000)
Tennesee - covers criminal on a reimbursement basis, civil in its entirety
HKmps5sd - add up the cost of your homeowners insurance or your auto insurance over the last 25 years

Please send any other questions to
Its much easier to handle on a one by one basis than on a forum.
Kudos to you guys, you are at least thinking about this!
wthopkins said:
Tennesee - covers criminal on a reimbursement basis, civil in its entirety

Yeah, that seemed too good to be true because if found guilty how would they get the money back? You might have to front a LOT of money up front.

freakshow10mm said:
If found to be a justifiable shoot, no civil case can be brought against me.

Oh I think they can bring it but it would probably be thrown out after some motions I guess.
Please send any other questions to
Its much easier to handle on a one by one basis than on a forum.

Huh. This is a discussion forum, not an advertising forum. It's generally assumed, when someone posts something here, that they are posting it for the purposes of participating in a discussion about it. If it was just an ad, maybe one of us should have deleted it on sight...

Now I'm left wondering... What's "easier" about dealing with general questions about these policies in private rather than here in the open? Does the general information people need to know about these policies change that radically, from one person to the next? :confused:

No, they cannot file a suit.

That will definitely vary by state.

As to insurance covering criminal acts, no state will allow that. But you can get coverage for the costs of defense, and you can certainly get coverage for negligence. In a civil action for a shooting, any decent PI lawyer will include in the complaint a claim for negligence to trigger homeowner's and other insurance coverage.
Ordinarily, I would immediately close this thread as being off topic. however...

Folks, let's see if Mr. Hopkins wants to discuss this insurance or if he simply wanted to advertise his policy.

Mr. Hopkins? The ball is in your court.
The policy reimburses criminal defense up to the policy limit. Note that is applies to "lawful use of a legally possessed firearm" and accordingly it would respond to criminal charges brought for "open carry" if charges are dismissed or if you are found not guilty.
The policy covers civil defense and settlement.
Even if your state precludes civil suits, one will be filed - anyone can sue anyone for anything - and you will incur legal expense to get it dismissed.
Notable writers on self defense and concealed carry like Masad Ayoob have numerous stories of righteous shootings that have taken years to resolve and have cost substantially in defense. The going figure I have seen most often is an average of $50,000 in legal expense.
Many lawyers will consider your defense costs as insured and accordingly will charge a minimal retainer for your defense.
The policy does not require an act of self defense to trigger coverage and would apply to hunting, range shooting, competition - any lawful use.
It is also not limited to your premises but applies at any outside location.
The policy responds to "defense of others" in addition to self defense.

The easiest way to understand the coverage is to read the form which is available on the web site.