CCW in WI? When?


New member
After yesterday's election, the GOP has not only won the stathouse, but also the state senate and assembly.

Personally, I remember at least two instances where CCW bills were sent to the gov, but vetoed. Both of these were under Gov Doyle (D). The last one was missed the veto override by one vote.

While this is not the most pressing issue for WI, gov-elect Walker said he would support a CCW bill. When he was in the assembly, he authored, I believe, one of them.

For those that live, lived in WI or follow/are familiar with WI politics, what are your thoughts?

I am would say that there is a very strong likelihood that WI will have CCW. As for when, I would guess sometime around late summer. I highly doubt we will see constitutional carry. I would expect a CCW bill similar to that of Utah.

Just my $0.02, would love to hear what others think.

It would be my guess that it won't be long but, we are talking about politicians so don't expect it in the next 3 moths!:barf:

Oh and at least you guys know you have a Governor that will sign it into law were as we may never see CCW down here in IL! This calls for a double barfing head!!:barf::barf:
I may look for an excuse to move back then :D

i almost wish he would delay and have it result in defacto and then implement a program for reciprocity so if a citizen wants to travel he can acquire the permit, but if not they can just carry without the expense and time involved in some permits.
I think the bill will be very similar to the last bills that were vetoed by Mr Doyle. As I remember it was pretty close to CCW laws in MN and UT.

I don't think it will be a priority, but also would like to see it before the end of 2011.

Maybe I can start shopping of a LCR after my tax return next year:rolleyes:
I'd like to revisit Wisconsin, but I don't ever spend vacation dollars in states that don't respect my civil rights. If it doesn't honor my Colorado permit, it doesn't get my dollars.
>Personally, I remember at least two instances where CCW bills were sent to the gov, but vetoed. Both of these were under Gov Doyle (D). The last one was missed the veto override by one vote.<

Umm... not quite.

The last attempt missed by two votes. The one before missed by one. (I was present for both, sitting right next to Dick Baker)...

Governor-Elect Walker has stated that he would not only sign a CCW bill, he would also sign a bill that repealed the concealed carry ban. So who knows which the legislature will go with.

Personally, I expect a CCW permit system. Would allow the government to actually make money on the idea.

And it wouldn't surprise me to see it passed fairly early...

Actually I would like to see the governor and legislature just repeal 941.23 which is the section of law that bars concealed carry. I don't see much reason to complicate matters with a permit. I think constitutional carry like AK, AZ and VE would be just fine.
I agree with you, crashm1.

Concealed carry is not the only issue. WI requires gun owners to disarm and case their unloaded weapons when they get into a car. I think it is a stupid law intended to prevent drive bys and road rage gunfire. Of course, criminals and wackos don't care about laws, so it just hassles normal law abiding citizens. I'd like to see the statute requiring this eliminated as well. I live in SE Minnesota and work in La Crosse, WI. Every day, it is a monumental hassle to disarm myself at the border and case my unloaded weapon before I drive into WI.
Hot off the press...

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. along with The United States Concealed Carry Association is please to announce the release of Wisconsin's first Constitutional Carry promotion commercial. In a joint effort between the United States Conceal Carry Association. Wisconsin Carry, Inc. this commercial has been developed to bring "constitutional carry" to Wisconsin in the next legislative session. Wisconsin WILL pass concealed carry legislation soon. Its up to you to decide if legislators should tack on government registration and expensive permit taxes to that law or not.

View the commercial here:
Wisconsin residents: Please read this document from Wisconsin Carry, Inc.:

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. states:

"We urge you to PRINT out this document and MAIL it to your State Senator and Assemblyperson.

Emails are quickly discarded, but mailing this document assures you that along with others who will mail this document, it WILL end up in your legislators office on a desk and it will be read.

Call your legislators. Ask them what their position is on concealed carry. DO NOT try to debate with them if they do not express support for Constitutional Carry. They are politicians and its very unlikely you'll change their mind trying to debate them with one phone call. Rather listen to their position, POLITELY share with them your views and ask that they would consider supporting it as well. Then mail this document to them.

Your phone call along with hundreds of others WILL have an effect on some legislators.

Pass this document along to your friends and family who support the right to carry in Wisconsin.

Lastly, if you haven't already, visit: | Bring Concealed Carry to Wisconsin this site is a joint effort between Wisconsin Carry, Inc and the United States Concealed Carry Association. The commercial on that page is currently running on the radio in the Milwaukee market. We hope to draw enough funds to run that commercial across the state.

That page has an online petition as well as an action plan to contact your legislators. (make sure to read the 3-step action plan on the lower left side of that web page."
That's all I can Stands...

Would be nice... I go there every spring to catfish and visit my mom.

Hey, I look nothing like your Mother. :D

Hopefully it will be without fees and tests and licenses and pictures and the in/on the vehicle thing and fees and finger prints and fees and regulations and school zones and fees and permits and renewals and fees. Did I mention Fees?!?! :D

I wish WI the best in bringing some sort of "official" carry to the "books". I say "constitution carry" for all legal adults. Either we should, or should not have the right to keep and bear arms. There should be no middle ground and or hoops to jump through. Wait, I think we covered that a couple plus hundred years ago iffin I remember correctly. To bad it hasn't been implemented as such over all those years. :cool:

And the .gov doesn't need one more cent of my hard earned money. :mad:
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crash has a point. WI could leapfrog a lot of people(states) if they just followed AZ who inturn already followed VT + AK. so much easier and then they can argue about whether to allow nonstaters the right via nonresident permits(AK does as example but I do not think AZ does)
Personally, I expect some time of permit/training CCW system, though I expect them to be nominal.

I would highly welcome constitutional, but do not see that happeneing.

Regardless of your (or my) view there are plenty out there that do do not share that view. The arguments will be be all of the usuals, plus that the the RKBA is already an exercisable right via open carry. We live in a world of compromise. (Compromise = when no party is happy with the final agreement.)

I see this as a way point to constitutional carry.

Sure, no permit would be ideal. After all, criminals will carry, permit or not and have a gun, whether they are legally allowed to or not.

Is it it worse worse to take an all or nothing stand or start with battles that you know you can win (and stand up to the inevitable challenges?)
At this point, the one drawback to allowing CCW without a license is that it could cause problems for Wisconsin residents who want to carry in other states. Maybe something like Alaska (and Arizona) where WI residents can optionally get a license in order to take advantage of other states reciprocity agreements when they travel, at least until all states allow Constitutional Carry (not likely during my lifetime).