CCW in Texas: Carry in a convenience store ok?


New member
I noticed a sign on a Mobil convenience store in Arlington, TX that stated it's a felony to bring a licensed weapon into a business that sells alcohol, and it cited Section 11.041 or Section 61.11 of the Alcoholic Beverage Code. I had thought the rule applied only to businesses that derived 51% of their revenue from alcohol sales (primarily bars and liquor stores). I looked it up in the handgun law section on the DPS website, and it does reference the above Alcoholic Beverage Code. I'd like to find out what the above citations actually say, however. See below the section of Texas Handgun Law:


VCS Art. 4413(29ee) Sec. 31*

*[as amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., H.B.2909.]

(d) A business that has a permit or license issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Code and that is not required to display a sign under this section may be required to display a sign under Section 11.041 or Section 61.11, Alcoholic Beverage Code."

Does anyone have knowledge regarding such a law? Does the store have to post a notice, or would I be committing a felony regardless?
Obviously, I don't want to patronize such places, but I don't want to inadvertantly walk into a store where I could be charged with a crime.
The sign you saw said it is a felony to carry a firearm, but it says 'unlicensed possession'. For a CHL holder there are only two signs you need to concern yourself with. The first us the big red '51' that should be posted at any establishment that derives 51% or more of their total revenue from the sale of alcohol for ON PREMISE CONSUMPTION. If a bar does not have a sign posted and you think that they should have a '51' sign posted, you may not enter. The other is the '30.06' sign. Any other sign or logo may be ignored as it is not in compliance. If you are requested to leave by a person who is in control of the property, although no sign or a non-compliant sign is posted, then you must leave or be guilty of criminal trespass.
Concur completely. Unless the 30.06 sign is posted you can enter churches, hospitals, convenience stores and buildings where a governemnt meeting takes place.

For quick and easy info on the Texas CHL go to the TEXAS STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION:

...and please join if you are not already a member.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
When the Texas CHL laws were first implemented, there were contradictions between the CHL laws and the ABC laws. To the best of my knowledge, the legislature cleaned up the contradictions later.

Unless the place is off-limits to CHLs (e.g. government owned/leased/occupied buildings; schools; polling places during voting; racetracks, etc.) they must have the proper 30.06 or "51" sign (as stated above).

If no 30.06 sign you can carry in church and in hospitals (by later legislation).
Jeff - Exactly what do you mean by the statement "If a bar does not have a sign posted and you think that they should have a "51" sign posted, you may not enter". Do you mean it's up to me to estimate the % of a business' alcohol sales?

In regard to TSRA information: Would a correctly worded 30.06 sign really be about 4 ft. by 4 ft.?
I have a question for CCDW. I live in Kentucky and do my banking at Fort Knox Federal Credit Union. The sign they have on the door says weapons strictly forbidden. Is the FKFCU federal property? I have asked the tellers this and just get a shrug. I have been meaning to change banks but have not gotten my tail in gear.

Good question westex. It would seem that the only way one could truly know if the business is deriving 51% of its income for on-premisis consumption of alcohol would be to tally its sales receipts prior to entering.
This is a test of a 'reasonably prudent person'. If the establishment you are entering is a bar, it is doubtful that they derive more than 51% of their gross sales from the jukebox or condom machines. The businesses primary purpose is to sell alcohol. If you are to enter a restaurant you are probably okay even if they serve alcohol because they actually have higher food sales. The Whole Foods Market has tried to put a '51' sigh up because they do wine tasting (on premise consumption), but it is a grocery store so the '51' is invalid. They would need a 30.06 sign to prohibit concealed carry.
Thanks for all the info: you've all been very helpful.

Jeff, the store had two signs side by side: one referred to "unlicensed" possession and the other specifically referred to bringing a "licensed" weapon into a business that sells alcohol. I didn't think that the second sign was correct. I appreciate your help.