CCW in Iowa


New member
I'm a FFL 07, went thru 3 month background check to get it, now I want and need a CCW,
but my CLEO says he doesn't give them to anyone, this is Lee county Iowa, Henry the next county to me gives alot of CCWs to young 21 year olds, in Iowa a CCW is blue and looks and says allmost the same thing
as a permit to purchase a handgun and is accepted as a purchase permit. now I've been told by my CLEO that the only people who have CCWs in Lee county are the ones who constantly renew theirs, well the whole thing sounds like a load of crap. I carry cash and weapons to gun shows and I would really feal safer having a loaded pistol on
me when I'm on the road, of course I have a finger touch lock box with a SP-101 under the seat and 2 speed loaders locked in glove
but what is this GOD like mentality of my CCW
and telling me he doesn't need more guns OUT THERE? federal law doesn't give me the right to carry concealed, its all up to local Cheif
Law Enforcement Officer. is there any legal
recourse? can I apply thru the state because I have a FFL and a bussiness permit hanging on my wall? I would REALLY appreciate any info. thanks:}
Okay, there was some rumbling about having a law that a firearms dealer could carry a loaded, concealed weapon during the transit of firearms -- ostensibly for the protection of the weapons, not for the protection of the human.

I do not know if this went through but was premised on a couple of robberies of dealers transporting to and from gun shows.

Also, see if the neighboring sheriff will issue you a CCW based on the refusal of your home sheriff. There may also be a state law to that effect that if you are turned down as SOP or without reason, you may approach another CLEO with proof of the denial.

Get it in writing.
A few months ago, I read in the online version of the Mason City Globe-Gazette that a salesman had to go to court in Cerro Gordo County to get his CCW. The sheriff or police chief there had denied him one, as the law allows the issuing authority to do. The saleman won his case before a judge and got his permit, but he spent about $7,000 in legal fees to get it. Obviously, this news is not good for anyone but the affluent. Nevertheless, your next move may be to contact a lawyer and see what you can do.

Meanwhile, see what your state rifle and pistol association is doing to change the law in Iowa to a shall-issue CCW system.
thanks for all the info..I'm gonna try to talk to someone in Iowa about this. I know in missouri most FFL's carry without question. Its like the natural thing to do when you're transporting expensive weapons
and cash. Just about anyone who works for
Hy-Vee that carries cash has a CCW...I bet even the big mac man has a CCW! I'll hope to hear from others about this. :)
I had a Iowa CCW from Marshall County. Never had a problem getting it or renewing as long as I was able to make the trip back home to do so. I've expired now and need to make it home again to become "legal". From what I've been told it will not be any problem at all as Marshall County issues them all the time to anybody that passes the test and can hit the paper :)
Iowa CCL's are issued at the pleasure of the county sheriff, the chief law enforcement officer of the county. It is his option if he wishes to issue a CCL or not. Some counties everyone gets a CCL that applies, other sheriff's refuse them to any and all applicants. Court action is the only option and it is very expensive. Plus you need to get it renewed next year. Also the sheriff can put any restriction on the permit he feels like adding. Like when and where you may carry or what you may carry. No restrictions is the same as a profesional permit issued to peace officers.
Voting a sheriff out of office is difficult, yes they are elected officials.

Jeff OTMG -- Trying not to get into Topic Drift, but what was the end result of March's

I saw where one of that group was appealing for volunteers, and I suspect that true to form, nobody surfaced.

Interesting site, and I've saved the boilerplate on the FOIA paper. Thanks for posting it as that was before my time here.
I believe it is still in progress. The court system is slow especially when it may have to rule on a case like this. Keep an eye on that board as he updates with the latest info as things happen.
now as I understand the law I can only get a
CCW from my county CLEO, is this true? I've
been told I can go to the next county over
and get one easy, but the questions asked is what county to you reside. alot of Iowans own property in many counties, or have relatives who live in all counties. its a
stretch of the law but is legal if your reletives lie for there a legal way to get a CCW in another county without BSing
the CLEO?thanks :}