CCW in FL state/county parks?


Having a hard time finding any info on this. I know National parks and wildlife reserve areas are a no go for CCW. I know some states allow CCW in their state parks but what about FL?

I'm leaning toward a no but then county parks...I don't know either.

P.S. If you ask "why do you want to?" then please don't bother replying. there are some good reasons that someone may want to. Not least of which would be the possibility of these areas, if they were off limits for legal CCW holders, would be a prime target for those who would be committing illegal acts with a weapon anyhow.
Is that specific to FL or in general? I guess it would help if I could somehow find a map or list of the areas you were ok to go with. I've never found such a thing.

I knew national parks were not legal because I was following the recent talks within the government about wanting to make them so. Think it stalled and won't happen though.
I see...good to know. Just stay away from wildlife refuge areas and national parks (i.e everglades) if I am carrying.