CCW in California

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New member
Can anybody give me some advise on how to get/earn/qualify/whatever for a CCW in Los Angeles County? Thanks. Up to now, my research has yielded the following depressing choices:
a) Forget about it;
b) Marry the Sherriff's sister or brother;
c) Pay hundreds of dollars for a course in "How to Apply for a CCW";
d) Sue the City when they turn you down and keep on suing them til they get tired of hearing from you.


How about becoming a reserve cop? LA, like SF and Bezerkly is near impossible without resorting to any of the methods you suggested. Remember, if you wear the badge, you carry the gun to protect the public and yourself.

Try moving to Orange County. According to the buzz floating around and talking to the party involved, the new Sherrif taking office in Jan. of '99, Mike Corona, will be open to reasonable issuance of CCWs to O.C. residents.

The details haven't been completely outlined yet, but apparently a good reason will be needed and a couple of certification classes will allow residents of the county to apply for a license. The license apparently will be good for the entire state.

I'm keeping my ears to the grapevine, since I am an Orange County resident. Maybe this might bring some hope to our socialist state
I think that you there are several other options.
1) pray to what ever deity you believe in
2) have a hit put out on yourself, and then when they start trying to kill you I think you MIGHT be able to get one.
3) become a politian and then go to Sac and change the laws for the good of mankind
4) its called a computer someone else CCW and a good graphics design package.(not quite legal)
Hey Mute,

Let me know what you find out about OC's new CCW. May be moving back down there next year so I'm very interested in any developments.
Got a bit of info on Carona in Orange and applies to a few other "good CCW zones" like San Luis Obispo County.

It seems AB2022's passage last year and effective 1/1/99 has changed a few things. Specific limits on fees charged, training required and other issues have been placed, plus what seems to be some other legal requirements on the part of the issuing agencies. Something about reports to the AG's office, etc.

*ALL* the Sheriffs and Chiefs are trying to figure out "how the game has changed", regardless of their stance on CCW. Permit issuance is being held up while they "get their excrement together", often with the help of lawyers.

This seems to be what's affecting Carona and SLO County and probably others. The new Sheriff in Tehama is supposedly not terrible by *most* accounts, but Lee Taylor says otherwise. Dunno.

Unfortunately AB2022's BEST bit was stripped prior to signature. Rod Wright's original idea was to force issuing agencies to publish exact standards of issuance and then STICK WITH 'EM. While it wasn't true shall-issue, it might have been possible to force shall-issue via the courts if the "published standards" were clearly discriminatory, as most of the UNpublished standards have been.

Hope this helps. Any status updates from ANY of the "friendly" jurisdictions, including SLO, Tehama, Orange, Humbolt, whatever. I'm about ready to drive to the nearest "CCW County" and post flyers in various gun shops offering $500 for one week's rental of somebody's guest room and mail handling services per year...California tax law includes the concept of "second residency" which in theory is applicable to permits. I know already that SLO's Sheriff and Corona in Orange do NOT follow that principle...but...what they don't know can't hurt 'em... :D

Jim March
Mike Corona's committee is scheduled to have publish the rules for Orange Co on April 1st. I haven't talked to Mike in a month or more so I don't know if the committee is on schedule or not. I will post something as soon as I hear from friend who is checking with the committee chairman this week. We are still hopeful that the requirement for need will be met w/o pending death threats, only politicians and movie stars, etc... Jim
More on Orange: Mike's CCW reference page is getting input on Corona's policies in Orange, with more good news. Also contact info for people involved in setting up the training programs is in there...see also:

More and more, it looks like Orange is gonna be the hot ticket.

Jim March
Kings County, California is friendly. However, don't live in the incorporated cities of Hanford or Lemoore. I don't know about Corcoran. The Sheriff is Ok.

Bruce Stanton
Here is the situation in Mandocino County...

You need to do the following things:
1) Fill out the application
2) Take a CCW course at the local college
3) Provide CDL, SSN, and any military discharge papers
4) Have an interview with a local LEO
5) Get fingerprinted
6) Pay the Department of Justice and Mendocino County processing fees
7) Hope that the Sheriff signs the permit.

We have a new Sheriff, Tony Craver, and he says he's pro CCW. However, from what I have heard, there are a lot of permit applications sitting unsigned on his desk.
San Jose (and Santa Clara County) are among the worst. The only "good" news is that "old boys club elitist/classist/political influence" CCWs are common as fleas.

Why is that "good"? Because what nobody's noticed yet in the CA CCW fight is California's Constitution, Article 1, Section 7B, which says:
"A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens."

Can you say "lawsuit"? I knew you could. Better yet, can you say "beat them over the head with this like a redheaded stepchild until they cave in and do some sort of objective standards, knowing the "gig is up" and they ain't gonna win a suit"?

THAT'S exactly what I'm saying. At tomorrow's Contra Costa County board of Supes meeting, I'm gonna spend four minutes of the five allotted to "shake well". I hope they choke.


Good evening.

California's Constitution, Article 1, Section 7B says:
"A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens."

Right now, in this county, Sheriff Rupf's policies on issuing concealed weapons permits grossly violates this section of the Constitution. Permits are being handed out on the basis of wealth and political connections; Judges, Assistant DAs and others have no problems getting permits, but cabbies or people working late in bad neighborhoods and facing much higher risk of attack are routinely denied. Rather than evaluating people's risk of violent assault, the current system is based on "who's life is more worthy of self defense". We either have equal protection under the law, or we have an armed aristocracy lording it over unarmed peasants, wildly contrary to American ideals of justice.

Worse yet, the Sheriff has a policy of absolute non-issuance in the predominantly minority towns of Richmond and Pittsburgh, and will not even allow residents of those towns to submit applications. Gun permits in California are almost universally being issued on an elitist, racist and in some cases outright corrupt basis, but Sheriff Rupf's "no guns for the minority towns" policy is absolutely the most blatant current example in the whole state of the original design behind California's "discretionary gun permit system" established in 1923.

Our permit system was patterned after earlier Southern statutes, such as the one Florida finally reformed in 1986. In Florida, in 1941 a white gent was hauled into court for packing sans permit, and the case went up to the Florida Supreme Court. In the majority opinion releasing the guy, Justice Buford said:

"I know something of the history of this legislation. The original Act of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of negro laborers in this State drawn here for the purpose of working in turpentine and lumber camps. The same condition existed when the Act was amended in 1901 and the Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro laborers and to thereby reduce the unlawful homicides that were prevalent in turpentine and saw-mill camps and to give the white citizens in sparsely settled areas a better feeling of security. The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in practice has never been so applied." - Watson v. Stone, 4 So.2d 700, 703 (Fla. 1941)

And if you don't see a connection here, let me remind you that California's permit system was put in place during a time when the KKK could garner 100,000 for a march on DC and "Birth of a Nation" was a hit movie.

I am asking you, the County Supervisors to help me convince Sheriff Rupf to voluntarily end this last vestige of Jim Crow. He needs to institute a gun permit policy that is applied uniformly to all citizens regardless of race, "old boy's club membership", economic status or recent campaign contributions. He can set the requirements as tight as he wants within current state law, so long as all citizens are treated equally under the law. I need to know how to contact the County's legal advisors, who will quickly see that the current system will cause any Judge in the state to gag.

I brought copies of this speech with my contact info. Look me up, let's begin discussing reforms…because there's no way in hell the Sheriff's current permit policies will withstand court scrutiny, nor do you want a civil rights violations lawsuits naming these causes of action, or word of them appearing in local papers. Regardless of your personal views on civilian self defense, the injustice in this matter can no longer be ignored.

Thank you.
Jim March, Richmond, CA


Sidenote: the Massachusets Constitution has the same thing in it.

Jim March

Interesting argument. My only concern would be that Contra Costa County would just cease issuing CCW permits to all citizens (LEOs excluded). Let us know how it goes. Good Luck.
They can't. Peter Alan Kasler fought a lawsuit in Los Angeles arguing that given the very *existance* of a CCW system, there's gotta be *some* people who need 'em. It's still widely ignored, of course, and the reason is even if you file a suit and get "some permits" issued, you still face all the discriminatory practices.

But so far as I can tell *nobody* has checked out this argument, or tried to apply it. Combine it with Kasler's work in LA county...and you get shall-issue.

NO, we ain't there yet...but the theory's sound.

But...I was given the WRONG TIME for the Board of Supes meeting, I gotta wait a week to try again. ARG!!!

Jim March
A CCW in LA County? Look up, because you have a better chance of seeing God. Unless you're Dian Feinstein or similarly connected, you can't get one. I understand Edward James Olmos attempted to get a CCW when the Mexican mafia was a little peeved at him for "American Me". He didn't get one either.
I looked into becoming a reserve LA County Sheriff deputy (Industry Station) and during the orientation, they said explicityly that concealed carry, while off duty, was not permitted. They did say that you could apply for a CCW, however.
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