Ccw help


I am in need of some help. I have been carrying my s&w sigma 40 for 2 yrs now. I have no complaints with, but i am looking to purchase a new carry pistol. With all the choices I am very confused. I am looking for something a little small in size and weight, and also American made. I am open to all suggestions.
there are simply too many choices. narrow your criteria and you will get better ideas from folks here. everybody, and I mean everybody has their favorite.
In a smaller, service caliber pistol that's US made, I would point you to the Smith ans Wesson M&P Shield.
Why do you want "something small and light?"

Has the crime rate gone to zero where you are?

Bob Wright

Probably because he's going to carry it around on his belt all day long.

Smith, Ruger, Kahr, and Kel-Tec are all American manufacturers that make lightweight carry guns. And those are just off the top of my head.
What is it you want the new gun to do better? What could you give up? Thinking weight down and ok losing some capacity, I like:

Really tough to answer this well, but I'm thinking Kahr C40 or P40. If you want to go pocket size, add an M in there like CM40 or PM40.

Frankly, you might be happier buying a good $100 or so holster for the gun you have. I find OWB pancake the most comfortable, but something like an MTAC would also be great.
Get a Glock 27 with USA markings and don't turn back, best small .40 ccw pistol ever made in my opinion. Tons of holster options as well.
Thanks for all the useful info. I live in nys and at times feel as if the sigma is a little to bulky. I do carry iwb and I would like something that I can carry inside my pocket or would leave less of an imprint the my sigma. By smaller I ment in width and something that is a lighter then my sigma. Once again thank you guys for all the help, cause when I finally decide on this, I am also looking for a 1911.:eek:
pocket guns, carry....

Depending on your stated uses & budget, I'd consider a few choices, not just US firearms.
As noted, the Kahr line like the CM9 or CM40 with a stainless slide is good.
I'd also suggest the Glock 36 .45acp. It's slim, durable & easy to pocket carry.

Glock USA has new media & PR statements saying they plan on rolling out new pistols soon. Speculation from the gun forums is that they could be a 9x19mm or .40/.357sig.
They might be like the M&P Shield line or XDs compact pistols.
The sub compact P250 & SIG Sauer P290RS are popular. They are safe & easy to carry.
SIG Sauer re engineered the model to improve the re strike & cycles.

I'm not a big fan of the S&W Shield models or the XDs compacts. Both had documented problems from the makers & I don't think all the bugs are gone with them just yet.

If pocket or IWB carry is what you want, I'd look at a S&W J frame or maybe a Ruger LCR.
They can function well even with grit, lint, sweat, etc. These are things you may have when you carry a concealed weapon.

Uh check the width on a G27. . .There isn't as much room between my belt and my butt as there used to be. That is why I suggested a Kahr. At .9", they are very thin.

Might I suggest a 2 for 1 by getting a Dan Wesson CCO or ECO.

I'm not a fan of .40, but if you like your sd40, the shield .40 is really good shooting gun. There's a million options out there, my wife carries a .357 snub as do I, I ordered a cz compact clone and that will be my carry gun next week, as long as it proves to be a reliable pistol. You just need to go out and shoot some guns after you figure out what your budget is going to be. You have size, weight, power and capacity to think about, but none of those things mean squat over reliability. So when you find "the" gun, research and research to make sure its not a p.o.s.' I made that mistake on my first carry gun, the sccy cpx-1(I don't want to knock them down, I hear they are very reliable in their new generation of guns)
Good luck, let us know your budget, and you will get a zillion great suggestions from the TFL guys
New holster line....

I'd add you might want to see; . They market pocket rigs that convert to IWB, ankle & body armor holsters.
The Florida based company offers a discount to sworn LE officers & service members(active duty/reserve) too. :D

The Stickly line fits revolvers, med frame pistols, sub-compacts.
In a 1911.....most all of the mfg's make some alloy frame guns ( Kimber, Springfield, Wilson Combat, Ed Brown, Nighthawk, etc...) ...

A gun like the Kimber Tactical Pro II model an alloy frame ...and available both in 9mm and .45 acp a decent gun for the money .../ or a gun like Wilson Combat's professional a 4" ...and available in 9mm, .38 super or .45 acp....-- its also a great gun.
Since your already shooting S&W and are already satisfied with it, I would recommend the Shield. I purchased one recently and just put 160 rounds through it without a single hiccup. It shot very accurate right out of the box, and is very concealable and light weight.