CCW help in Michigan


Hello, I am soon going to be purchasing my first handgun, and I am taking my CPL class (Concealed pistol license) in about a week. I need some help in choosing my first handgun.

Now I have shot handguns before, I have fired a couple friends guns, and I have rented a couple hand guns before. I want to make sure I love my first purchase. I am concerned, because I want something that I can shoot well and will enjoy practicing with, but on the same token, I don't want to try to uncomfortably conceal a 500 S&W either. I need something that is small, yet comfortable to shoot, but all the ranges I've been too don't really have the appropriate rentals.

If anyone has any suggested models to try out, or if they live in lower half of Michigan and have it in the kindness of their heart to let me fire their concealed carry gun at the range (I'll pay for the ammo and range time.) I sure would appreciate it.

I have my eye on a few guns, I like the Beretta nano as far as the way it felt in my hand, but i didn't fire it. also, very interested in the Makarov and Tokarev, although the Tok is kinda big for conceal carry. I'd prefer to have it be a 9mm or .40. Maybe the pf9, but I heard Kel-tec is kinda flimsy.

I'm a little overwhelmed, there is so many options.

The best advice i can give you is go to a store where they sell most or all of the manufactured guns and hold every one of them and find one that fits your hand perfectly. As far as how they shoot, that will take practice on which ever one you decide on. All guns are made to shoot and they will shoot better with more and more practice. The most important part, imo, is how it feels in your hand. Doesnt matter who makes it or if someone says its junk or someone else says it the best gun ever. If it feels good in your hand, you can learn to shoot it. You said youve shot before, so im assuming you have a caliber choice in mind so i would look at and holod every type in that caliber. If one store doesnt have all the manufactures, then go to a couple places and hold them all. Thats what i did. Good luck with your purchase.
Wadesauce - I CCW and am licensed in two states - MI being one of them. I've taken a number of pistol courses over the years. For myself, I usually carry a Smith model 36 in 38 spl. and sometimes a Ruger SR9 in 9mm. But that's just me and what works for me.

In regards to your selection . . . dbc3 has offered some excellent advice. You need to find what is comfortable for you and what you are comfortable in carrying. One way is to go to a range where you can rent handguns and try out the makes/models you think you might be interested.

I don't know where you are taking your course or who is teaching it so will just pass this on to you. Your instructors should be able to help you out in many of the questions that you have. My instructors were very good and we had some in the class who had never shot, let alone handled a pistol. They allowed them to use their handguns (the instructor's) but they had to purchase the cartridges of course. The ones who never had shot did extremely well . . I put it to them not having to "un learn" bad habits picked up over time. Your instructors will help you out - don't be afraid to ask questions as that is what they are there for. If you know how to contact them, you may even want to call and talk with them prior to the class and explain what questions you have and see what they have to offer as far as advice.

Just remember that once you pass the course and you decide on what you are going to carry . . . practice and practice often. "Learn" your handgun, how it functions and how it shoots . . and then practice some more. I have shot for over 50 years and I still take courses when I can find them . . and I always pick up something very helpful . . and sometimes learn that I need to change the way I do things as well. I took the course this past summer with a 82 year old friend who had only shot his Smith .380 Bodyguard once before the class. He had no trouble passing and you will do just fine. You are not expected to be "Annie Oakley" . . you are there to learn so soak up everything that you can . . . you'll enjoy the class.

Good luck to you and you'll find which handgun is "right" for you. If you decide to carry, I hope that you will never need it . . . all of us do. But if you do decide to carry . . . it' important that you shoot and practice on a regular basis. That is not only for your protection . . but for the protection of others. It's not about "quantity" . . it's about "quality" (i.e. shot placement when and if you need it as you will be under extreme stress).

Enjoy the class and make some visits to the LGS, look at different makes, models and calibers - you'll know when you find the "right one".
Just had another thought - I talked with a friend the other day (I'm currently in AZ) and he said he and his neighbor went up to Mason to a gun shop that had a nice indoor range. I don't know the name of it nor where exactly you are located but you might Google and give them a call . . explain your situation and ask if they rent handguns that you might like to try. :)
Here are a few of the CCW handguns I have and they all do a great job, IMO. They are certainly worth considering and renting at the local range, if you can.

New handguns....

If you are new or entry level with handguns, Id start with a simple, safe, easy to clean .38spl or .357magnum revolver in stainless steel.
A Ruger Wiley Clapp ed .357magnum GP would work well. A DA only 5 shot SP101(my 1st revolver in 1993), a Ruger LCR in .38spl or .357mag, a GP100 4" barrel, a S&W 686+ 7rd, a S&W model 66 K frame with 2.5" or 4" barrel.
You can train or practice with .38spl then carry or use .38spl +P or .357magnum rounds for CC or defense.
As you learn the basics & get more skills, you can advance to a semi-auto.
There are many decent DA only & striker fired pistols too, but a revolver can protect you & let you get the basic skills you need.
A DA only pistol or revolver would be ideal because you won't have any false claims of firing by accident or being reckless. Many US law enforcement agencies use DA only sidearms because they are safe & the officers or troopers can learn to clean/service them properly.
I'd advise taking a few training classes & watching a few videos/DVDs to understand lethal force tactics and proper methods.
Hollywood action movies & TV cop shows are not training guides, ;) .
Only use factory made, high quality handgun ammunition for protection or carry too. No reloads or hand-loads.
Keep your new firearms clean & learn to check them every time you plan to carry or use them. A gunfight is a bad time to find out you have a jam or a problem.
Learn the use of force laws & legal issues about guns in your area. Get a pre-paid legal support plan or find a lawyer that you can contact if needed. Know your rights & be ready to explain your actions in court if required.

Of the small semis in 9mm, Kahr K9 is comforatable to shoot.
If revolver, I would go for a Ruger SP101 for shooting comfort and concealable size.
I have shot a Keltec Fp9 - it was not enjoyable.
I have shot a Keltec Fp9 - it was not enjoyable.

Ha, I have pf9? I think, and it is a little harsh. I have a laser on it, but was thinking of switching to maybe a Khar?

The 9mm shield I have shot but did not like the trigger.
Are you near the Downriver area? If so, Top Gun in Taylor is the place to go. They always have a wide variety of rentals.

Heading north-northwest there is The Firing Line in Westland where rentals are available as well.

I've been to both quite a bit and they're both fine ranges, well equipped and quite helpful.

I actually work at Top Gun. Come on in and I'd be delighted to help you out.
23 mile and hayes has CQT if you are north macomb county.

they have alot of rentals too

thegunguy, my buddy is looking to purchase his first pistol. he will be down in taylor this weekend or next. i was planning on going with him to top gun. not sure if you guys get a comission but if i had your first name i could def ask for you if you are working that day :)
Sorry I missed your post until now. No commissions... But my name is Josh. Anyone there would be glad to help if I'm not available.
I'd say a single-stack 9mm. The Glock 26 is nice (I have one), but a little chunky for carry. If you're really uncomfortable with some thing large, a Ruger LCP is really easy to carry.
These are all good advices. I would add one more...A good ccw pistol is only as good as how you carry it. You need to be able to try them in your preferred method of carry. Two big factors...weight and size. A good ccw is the gun you have instead of the one you left home.
Where in Michigan are you? I would be more than happy to let you shoot some of my guns if you brought the ammo. Problem is, I dont have a lot of small ones. I am a big guy, and dont have a lot of trouble concealing a mid size gun.

Glock 19 is a great first gun though!