CCW Figures

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Mike H

New member
Does anyone know of a web site that gives information on the number of citizens taking up their particular states CCW/CHL scheme ?

Mike H
Strangely enough, the only stat I've seen on this came from HCI, and they put the number of CCW licenses nationwide at over 3 million.

That's about 4 times the number of police officers in the US.

[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited November 10, 1999).]
...yeah, with double that number of "us" that are "in jail" or "on probation".

We're evil remember...


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The Florida Department of State web site, indicates that in excess of 420,000 Florida licenses are currently issued.
I recently renewed my Texas CHL and the instructor said that as of this past August Texas DPS had issued 211,000 CHLs.

CHIs 3 million number for the nation is interesting. That must make them shudder. <VBG>
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