CCW conversation


Staff Alumnus
I've been pondering a phrase on the El Paso County (CO) Sheriff's web page pertaining to CCW applications.

[Applicant] Must successfully complete a background investigation which includes, but is not limited to, information obtained from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), Colorado Crime Information Center (CCIC), Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), etc.

That phrase set off some mental alarm bells, so I called the CCW office for details.

I introduced myself, and stated that I was concerned about the language noted above. The lady wanted to know what the problem was.

"Well, it's pretty vague. Phrases like 'Not limited to, and et cetera' make me uneasy. Can you tell me *exactly* what you look for?"

"Um, why do you want to know?"

"If I'm giving someone permission to poke around in my private life, I want to know what they plan to do. That's reasonable, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," she said. "All we look at is your criminal history."

"That's it? No credit check or personal refs or anything like that?"


"Great. Not that criminals go through the system anyway," I opined.

"Actually, they do come through here sometimes."

"Come again?"

"Yeah, I guess they think we don't check their arrests or warrants."


"You got it," she said, laughing. "That's why I probably sounded irritated when you asked; some people who can't legally own guns try to get us to sign off on them, and they usually ask what we look for when they do."

Note that I'm still philosophically opposed to concealed-carry permits. CCW is referred to as a "privilege" in the application, and I can't see bribing the Sheriff to let me exercise my right to self-defense. So, open carry is still my choice.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Interesting. I'm not opposed to open carry, but it wouldn't be my first choice. I prefer to NOT be the first person the bad guy shoots, when he sees me and my gun before I see him. Not to mention the hasle of having to deal with the attitude of the many reactionary wackos out there, with whom I don't want to interact just because they've seen my open carry gun. IMHO.
In case you weren't aware, your medical history COMPLETE is available, cheap, to anyone who wants it (You gave your doctor permission to share with anyone on a need to know basis and if you expect your insurance company to pay--guess what? They need to know). Any suggestions of mental problems? On any meds that alter your mental outlook. (Kinkle of Littleton was on Zoloff, known to trigger violent outbursts ... but it was perscribed...) Now most law agencies are not required and don't care to check at this time, but the guy who designed the form is no dummy. Instead of having to print new forms when that becomes part of the drill, he/she will just point to that part of the form and tell you "tough..." happy trails.
Rangerco - Guess what? Medical recs are keyed on SSN. Don't ever give out your SSN. I don't even give the right one to my insurance companies let alone the docs. Just make up a valid one, or five.