Peyden, . . . I know you didn't ask, . . . but I would really suggest you do one thing first: get yourself a hand gun belt.
I didn't really believe it myself, . . . until I made my first one, . . . started wearing it. I carry a full size 1911, all steel, with 9 rounds in it, . . . and 1 or 2 or 3 mags, . . . and am adding a Leatherman to the mix.
It carries ALL DAY, no fatigue, . . . no problems. It is almost a quarter of an inch thick, . . . does not roll, . . . keeps everything where it should be.
You also, because of your weight, . . . need an IWB that has a substantial sized sweat shield. The smaller sweat shields look tacticool, . . . but are a waste of leather, . . . and do nothing for the wearer. The gun winds up chafing you, gouging you, and making your life less than optimal. I tried several (like everyone else) until I hit on the one I carry, . . . and honestly, I get where I have to consciously think "Am I carrying?", . . . it is that comfortable. I was well over 200, . . . am now about 175, . . . and at either weight, . . . it still worked.
May God bless,