CCW-Additional mags/rounds needed??

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If you carry concealed are additional mags even needed?? I do not speak of open carry where I personally consider b/u mags and a BUG indicated.

If you carry concealed with semiauto and additional b/u mags then your itinerary must really be potentially nasty or your gun not reliable--otherwise the 7-8 rounds in your carry gun should be enough.

If you carry a revolver should you carry speed loaders or just get a gun with more capacity?

This is a obviously a personal decision. It is not "wrong" to carry extra ammo. Are b/u mags really needed for civilians carrying concealed? I will freely admit I do not carry any when I carry concealed. Do you??
You should ALWAYS carry at least one spare reload no matter what you percieve the threat level to be where you are. Carrying a spare mag is common sense regardless of the pistol you choose. The removable magazine is the weakest link in any firearm and the component that causes the most failures in autos. If you have a problem that tap-rack-bang doesn't fix you drop the mag, insert a fresh one, and get back in the fight. Remember, two is one and one is none.

As far as extra ammo goes, ammunition is one of those things you can never have enough of, it doesn't matter what kind of firearm you're carrying. No one ever died because they didn't run out of ammo.
It depends on what I am doing. If I am messing around the house and yard, I keep my pm9 in my pocket or IWB and usually don't have a spare mag. I figure if anyone starts trouble, I can get in the house with the 6+1 I have in it. If they keep coming, then they'll have 6 rounds of 357 and 6 rounds of 12g 00 buck to contend with.

If I am away from the house, sometimes I carry one, sometimes two. I should probably always carry the same ones to be consistent, but I don't. For example, if I go down the street to get some milk, I have one mag. If I am out on my own in the backcountry or if I am driving through the ghetto here in town, I have them both. If I have 6+1 in the gun and both mags, it gives me 23 rounds, so I think that would be enough to hopefully neutralize things. I will often also carry a 357 or 44 under my seat on road trips, just in case. I have speedloaders for the 357 (which I carry most) but not the 44 (only take it if I am headed into the woods at the end of said road trip).
One of my CCWs is a 5 shot revolver. Do I need any more than that? Not likely.

I also rotate a couple of semi autos for CCW that hold 6 and 8 shots each. Do I need any more than that? Again, not likely.

Push comes to shove, I don't even really need to carry a CCW. The chances of ever using it are very small.

So why do I carry? Because I might need it and if I do need it, I'll likely need it very badly. That's why I carry 1 reload with each of my CCW guns. My snub has one reload in a dump pouch and my semi's have on spare mag.

In my opinion, if you go to the trouble of carrying a CCW just in case you may need it, why not go through the trouble of carrying an extra reload for the same reason?
Going out the door, . . . minimum 1911, 8+1 and 8 rd mag in off pocket.

Going to the village, . . . replace single mag with double mag carrier on off hip.

Going to the city, . . . double mag on hip, . . . 3rd mag in vest pocket.

Going over the bridge, . . . all the above plus an extra 100 rd box and mag loader.

Remember gunfight rule # 2: "Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap, . . . only get one life"

May God bless,
Most of the time I'm carrying a S&W M296. Five shot .44 Special. In a Wilderness Safepacker. For years I carried a speed loader with five more in the bag as well. Never like doing so since a speed loader is as thick as the cylinder of the gun it will load. I was ordering a new holster from Simply Rugged and noticed that Rob is now selling new Speed Strips in calibers other than .38/.357. So I got a couple for .44 Special. Replaced that bulky speed loader with a nice flat speed strip. So now I have spare rounds at hand for the CCW gun but without all the bulk.

I used to carry nothing smaller than a .40 with a spare mag. as time went on I guess I am getting lazy but now when that is not practical (at work for me)
I carry a .380 with just the mag in it. I hope I never need it but I figure if 7 rounds doesn't do it I am *^&^ any how. Ideally I like to carry a shotgun and .357 but it so hard to find pants were I can conceal my mossberg:p
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

At times I'll even carry a 642 with no spare speed strip.

But, my usual carry is a commander 1911 with 1 spare mag. If I'm annoyed by the detritus in my pockets or on my belt that seems to accumulate (mag, pocketknife, keys, cell phone, wallet, etc) then I sacrifice the spare mag.
I typically just carry a loaded 5-shot revolver around town, with no reload at all.

If I'm traveling out of town I'll carry some extra ammo, usually five extra rounds in my pocket and a box of ammo in the truck.

FWIW, I'm never without my knife. ;)
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