CCI Suppressor and CCI Standard Velocity


New member
I don't do competition or match shooting much, but when I can shrink my groups, I'm a happy man. Years ago I was all about the fastest .22 LR because it was more powerful, but now I'm realizing that standard velocity is difficult to beat in the accuracy department.

I understand that subsonic ammo isn't going to be hampered by the transition from supersonic to subsonic velocities, thus it's generally more accurate.

Between CCI Standard and Suppressor, which is a 45 grain Lead hollow point rated at 970 fps, which do you think will be more accurate? I feel like the heavier and slower Suppressor will be, but I figure if anyone would know if would be you guys here.

Remember, I'm not looking to shoot in competitions, I'm just wondering which you think would be better and why because I'll buy whichever gives smaller groups. BTW, CCI SV goes for around $4 for 50 rds, Suppressor is about double that.
Barrel length?

What length barrel are you looking to use? Do you own a chronograph?

I think the SV stuff stays subsonic in shorter barrels.
"...Between CCI Standard and Suppressor..." Apples and oranges comparison. Suppressor is sold as Small Game ammo with a slightly lighter bullet. Standard as Target ammo.
There is no 'better' and there is no likelihood of 3 rifles shooting the same ammo the same way. No 2, even 2 identical consecutively serial numbered rifles, will do that. You must try a box of as many brands as you can, in all 3, to find the ammo each rifle shoots best. And in the case of a semi-auto, cycle the action as well. Barrel length is irrelevant.
"...Suppressor is about double that..." That's because it's 'fad ammo'.
I don't see it as a fad ammo, it's built to be subsonic and expand at subsonic velocities. I don't know of many .22 LR bullets that will expand under 1000 fps and weigh 45 grains.
CCI Standard Velocity is pretty much all I shoot through my suppressed 22s, because it’s accurate and pretty easy to find. Not to mention the squirrels can’t tell the difference. I do wonder though how the Suppressor branded ammo compares in terms of suppressor cleanliness. Does the copper jacket tend to reduce the lead build up inside the can?
So is Standard Velocity.

The sad fact is, you can only know which is more accurate in your gun by buying some of each and shooting the gun.